Hi Simon,

As previously mentioned I got 2.66test16 into a recent version of Tomato
router firmware which means it's now out in the wild and being used.  An
obscure corner case change in behaviour has been observed, relating to
disabling and then re-enabling dhcp service on an interface, and
specifically which lines in a config file stick.  Example config:


then later in the file:


Now in v2.61 (!) dnsmasq would take the last interface line and say 'oh
you do want dns AND dhcp service' and everything would procede as
expected.  In 2.66, once no-dhcp-interface is set it's set and dhcp
service is disabled forever.  Now there's a very valid argument that the
above example is a stupid config file.  Unfortunately the example config
file is representative of the conflicts between the automatically
generated part of Tomato's dnsmasq config, and the manual 'advanced
config options' that get appended to the file via the router's GUI.

Now I personally think the router's gui should be fixed (though I've no
idea how at this point) but is there perhaps an argument that an
'interface=intfn' command later in the file should also reset the


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