I recently had a problem where dnsmasq caused the system to crash by filling the syslog with messages related to enable-ra. My currently solution is to not use enable-ra and instead use radvd. The messages in syslog are a pair of the form:
     dnsmasq-dhcp[1029]: RTR-SOLICIT(eth0)
     dnsmasq-dhcp[1029]: RTR-ADVERT(eth0) fd00:1111:2222:18::
with over 1000 pairs in a minute!

1.  Any idea what could cause this?

2. I believe I can get this is happen "on command" and I can run wireshark to look at interfaces. Should I look at interfaces on the system running dnsmasq or on another system on the network?

3. Could some system external to the system running dnsmasq be doing something which causes this to happen?

4. With radvd it is possible to set the minimum and maximum time intervals between sending unsolicited multicast router advertisements. Does such a capability exist in dsnamsq? What interval does dnsmasq use?


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