BTW this message was wrong.

Use tag:interfacenamehere to match against the name of a network interface.
 So tag:eth0 or tag:wlan0

I don't know where the "dhcp-range=interface:ethN,," came from.

On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:19 PM, <> wrote:

> Do you know what a "network interface" is?
> set: and match: allow you to match tag names defined in your
> configuration, plus a small set predefined by dnsmasq
> interface: allows you to match against the name external software
> (typically udev) gave to the network interface
> On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 4:56 PM, Jim Alles <> wrote:
>> Hello, I am a relatively new user of dnsmasq, on a debian system, part of
>> the Untangle UTM suite.
>> I was wondering if I could have an explanation of the form:
>> dhcp-range=interface:ethN,,
>> Is 'interface' in this case a special form of tag:, and where is it set:?
>> I have not been able to find a search result.
>> Thanks in advance!
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