On 31/10/13 19:46, Andrea Galvani wrote:
Hi Simon,

thanks for your answer.

You say that the IP address range should coincide with the netmask of
the interface where I receive the DHCP Request (in my case, wlan0).
Actually, my wlan0 is /24, and I'm using dnsmasq to allocate
users in /30 interfaces dynamically created for each one. These /30 are
NOT part of the prefix.
Further more, my users have static IPs that belong to the range, so I've assigned that IP range to wlan0 on dnsmasq, and it
For example:
* wlan0 is working on /24 (which can be seen as the "home"
* a new user arrives, we know his MAC, which is assigned to a static IP
* we allocate a /30 interface on that address ( /30)
* we use dnsmasq to send back to the user the static IP and all the
parameters to work on the new interface (default gateway, netmask, etc)

This actually works, with every address inside the /8 range:


For every user, a static IP + dhcp options:


I'm using "special" software on the router, which allows to have ANY IP
on the lan side (because these addresses are never directly exposed when
routing through the Internet). Therefore, theoretically, I should tell
the DHCP Server to be able to assign any address needed (even something
If I understood correctly, the IP I'm providing statically MUST be
contained inside the range I assign to the interface, that's why for now
I use a /8. I would like to use a /0.

I wanted to understand if it's possible to do this with dnsmasq, or if
it goes beyond the actual possibilities of a DHCP Server.

I'm not sure I follow exactly what you're doing, but I can give you the algorithm dnsmasq uses, if that helps.

When a DHCP request arrives, to start with all that's important is the interface on which it arrives.

The first stage is to take all the dhcp-range statements and filter them. A valid dhcp-range for this filter is defined as one where there is an address associated with the arrival interface which has the same netmask as the range, and the range start and end addresses both fall into the subnet calculated using the interface address and netmask.

Note that an interface may have more than one associated address/netmask.
Note also that a "static" range has start==end.

If there are no dhcp-ranges left after this filter you get the "No address range available" message.

Assuming there are still the some dhcp-ranges left after the filter, one of them is used to allocate an IP address. If host has a configured static address, and that address is valid in one of the dhcp-ranges, then that range will be used and the static address allocated. If there's no static address configured, or it doesn't fall in any available range, then it's undefined which range is used, if there's more than one.



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