I reset one new environment for verify this issue.

Want to use dnsmasq 2.68 to assign IPv6 address. the dnsmasq process as 

 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order --bind-interfaces 
--interface=tap12fd2db2-05 --except-interface=lo 
--leasefile-ro --dhcp-range=set:tag0,2001:2011:0:f104::,static,86400s 
--dhcp-lease-max=16777216 --conf-file= -domain=openstacklocal --log-dhcp

The host file content as below:


And the binding interface tap12fd2db2-05 info as below:

tap12fd2db2-05 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr FA:16:3E:79:D9:AB
          inet6 addr: 2001:2011:0:f104::2/64 Scope:Global
          inet6 addr: fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268/64 Scope:Link
          UP BROADCAST RUNNING  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:26 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:22 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
          RX bytes:5860 (5.7 KiB)  TX bytes:2192 (2.1 KiB)

And from client, use 'dhclient -6' to send dhcp client request, and in 
server node, use "tcpdump -i tap12fd2db2-05" to monitor the result.

The result of 'tcpdump -i tap12fd2db2-05' is

tcpdump -i tap12fd2db2-05 -n
tcpdump: WARNING: tap12fd2db2-05: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on tap12fd2db2-05, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 
65535 bytes
03:34:36.640130 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client > 
ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
03:34:36.640569 IP6 fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268.dhcpv6-server > 
fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
03:34:37.690928 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client > 
ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
03:34:37.691356 IP6 fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268.dhcpv6-server > 
fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
03:34:39.722843 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client > 
ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
03:34:39.723216 IP6 fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268.dhcpv6-server > 
fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
03:34:40.569534 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, 
Request from fa:16:3e:25:f4:31, length 300
03:34:43.957167 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client > 
ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
03:34:43.957577 IP6 fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268.dhcpv6-server > 
fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
03:34:48.956886 IP6 fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268 > fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431: 
ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431, length 32
03:34:48.957608 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431 > fe80::184d:82ff:fec4:d268: 
ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is fe80::f816:3eff:fe25:f431, length 24

And dnsmasq log info as below:

dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: DHCPv6, static leases only on 2001:2011:0:f104::, 
lease time 1d
Feb 18 03:14:43 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: DHCP, 
sockets bound exclusively to interface tap12fd2db2-05
Feb 18 03:14:43 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq[9346]: cleared cache
Feb 18 03:14:43 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: read 
Feb 18 03:14:43 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: read 
Feb 18 03:17:07 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq[9346]: cleared cache
Feb 18 03:17:07 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: read 
Feb 18 03:17:07 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: read 
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
available DHCPv6 subnet: 2001:2011:0:f104::/64
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
client MAC address: fa:16:3e:25:f4:31
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
DHCPSOLICIT(tap12fd2db2-05) 00:01:00:01:1a:95:e2:80:fa:16:3e:25:f4:31
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
DHCPADVERTISE(tap12fd2db2-05) 00:01:00:01:1a:95:e2:80:fa:16:3e:25:f4:31 no 
addresses available
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
tags: known, dhcpv6, tap12fd2db2-05
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
sent size: 14 option:  1 client-id 
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
sent size: 10 option:  2 server-id  00:03:00:01:00:0a:f7:1d:70:5c
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
sent size: 12 option:  3 ia-na  IAID=1042674737 T1=4294967295 
Feb 18 03:20:37 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
sent size: 24 option: 13 status  2 no addresses available
Feb 18 03:20:38 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
available DHCPv6 subnet: 2001:2011:0:f104::/64
Feb 18 03:20:38 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
client MAC address: fa:16:3e:25:f4:31
Feb 18 03:20:38 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
DHCPSOLICIT(tap12fd2db2-05) 00:01:00:01:1a:95:e2:80:fa:16:3e:25:f4:31
Feb 18 03:20:38 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[9346]: 14545457 
DHCPADVERTISE(tap12fd2db2-05) 00:01:00:01:1a:95:e2:80:fa:16:3e:25:f4:31 no 
addresses available


From:   Da Zhao Y Yu/China/IBM
To:     dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk, 
Date:   2014/02/18 10:32
Subject:        Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Dnsmasq 2.68 not assign IPv6 
address, error -- no addresses available

Sorry for pasted the wrong host info, the subnet in the host file was same 
as dnsmasq process. I just pasted another host file. The host file content 
as below:


The client still can not get IPv6 address, even on the same subnet.

From:   Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk>
To:     dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk, 
Date:   2014/02/17 19:36
Subject:        Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Dnsmasq 2.68 not assign IPv6 
address, error -- no addresses available
Sent by:        dnsmasq-discuss-boun...@lists.thekelleys.org.uk

On 17/02/14 02:38, Da Zhao Y Yu wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Thanks for your reply.
> You said the error may be caused by dnsmasq is not recognising the
> client, how to verify it?
> After set--log-dhcp, it have the corresponding tag called "know", you
> can see the below log:
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 available DHCPv6 subnet: 2011:2011:0:f101::/64
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 client MAC address: fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 DHCPSOLICIT(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
> 00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 DHCPADVERTISE(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
> 00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54 no addresses available
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 *tags: known, dhcpv6, tap1a82f5d5-e9*
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 sent size: 14 option:  1 client-id
>  00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 sent size: 10 option:  2 server-id 
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 sent size: 12 option:  3 ia-na  IAID=1050265172 T1=4294967295
> T2=4294967295
> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
> 16372489 sent size: 24 option: 13 status  2 no addresses available
> About how to configuring host address in dnsmasq, I use
>  "--dhcp-hostsfile" to let dnsmasq to read the host file, the content of
> the host file as below:

So dnsmasq is recognizing the host, but the address you've specified for
it is on a different subnet, so it's not usable. No usable address for
host, static address allocation configured, -> "no addresses available"



> Looking forward to your reply, thanks!
> From:        Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk>
> To:        dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk,
> Date:        2014/02/14 22:50
> Subject:        Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Dnsmasq 2.68 not assign IPv6
> address, error -- no addresses available
> Sent by:        dnsmasq-discuss-boun...@lists.thekelleys.org.uk
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 14/02/14 08:46, Da Zhao Y Yu wrote:
>> More investigate about this issue:
>> I found the dnsmasq dhcp client id is generated by client MAC address,
>> but the dhcp server id is not generated by the binding tap
>> interface(*tap1a82f5d5-e9*) MAC address. Base on the server id (
>> 00:03:00:01:00:0a:f7:1d:70:5c), I found it is generated by another
>> network device, the MAC address(0a:f7:1d:70:5c) is matched with eth4 in
>> my env, and also eth4 device is in "inactive" status, I do not know the
>> root cause.
>> For IPv4, the client can got the IP address, just on IPv6 case, have
>> such issues.
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: Da Zhao Y Yu/China/IBM@IBMCN
>> To: Dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk,
>> Date: 2014/02/14 12:04
>> Subject: Re: [Dnsmasq-discuss] Dnsmasq 2.68 not assign IPv6 address,
>> error -- no addresses available
>> Sent by: dnsmasq-discuss-boun...@lists.thekelleys.org.uk
>> After add '--log-dhcp' in dnsmasq, more log in /var/log/message, as 
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 available DHCPv6 subnet: 2011:2011:0:f101::/64
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 client MAC address: fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 DHCPSOLICIT(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 DHCPADVERTISE(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54 no addresses available
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 tags: known, dhcpv6, tap1a82f5d5-e9
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 sent size: 14 option: 1 client-id
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:90:4c:42:fa:16:3e:99:c6:54
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 sent size: 10 option: 2 server-id 
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 sent size: 12 option: 3 ia-na IAID=1050265172 T1=4294967295
>> T2=4294967295
>> Feb 13 21:56:29 x3650m4-ir10-7915j2a-06nrrh8 dnsmasq-dhcp[3610]:
>> 16372489 sent size: 24 option: 13 status 2 no addresses available
>> Any help would be appricated, thanks!!!
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Cloud Solutions & OpenStack Development
>> China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing
>> Email: d...@cn.ibm.com
>> Tel: (86)10-82450677
>> --------------------------------------------------
>> From: Da Zhao Y Yu/China/IBM
>> To: Dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk,
>> Date: 2014/02/13 18:23
>> Subject: Dnsmasq 2.68 not assign IPv6 address, error -- no addresses
>> available
>> Hi all,
>> Today I used dnsmasq 2.68 as dhcpv6 server to assign IP address to vm
>> instance, and encountered the following issue:
>> 1, The dnsmasq process as below:
>> /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-hosts --no-resolv --strict-order
>> --bind-interfaces --interface=*tap1a82f5d5-e9* --except-interface=lo
>> --leasefile-ro --dhcp-range=set:tag0,2011:2011:0:f101::,static,86400s
>> --dhcp-lease-max=16777216
>> 2, In ubuntu vm instance, I use *dhclient -6* to send request, and in
>> controller node, use* tcpdump -i tap1a82f5d5-e9* to monitor the result,
>> as below:
>> tcpdump: WARNING: tap1a82f5d5-e9: no IPv4 address assigned
>> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol 
>> listening on tap1a82f5d5-e9, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size
>> 65535 bytes
>> 04:02:04.230789 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297.dhcpv6-client >
>> ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
>> 04:02:04.232872 IP6 fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10 > ff02::1:ff41:b297:
>> ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297, length 
>> 04:02:04.233682 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297 >
>> fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297, length 32
>> 04:02:04.233702 IP6 fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10 >
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297: ICMP6, neighbor solicitation, who has
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297, length 24
>> 04:02:04.234124 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297 >
>> fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10: ICMP6, neighbor advertisement, tgt is
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297, length 24
>> 04:02:04.331231 IP6 fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10.dhcpv6-server >
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
>> 04:02:05.301072 IP6 fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297.dhcpv6-client >
>> ff02::1:2.dhcpv6-server: dhcp6 solicit
>> 04:02:05.301173 IP6 fe80::d046:83ff:fec3:cd10.dhcpv6-server >
>> fe80::f816:3eff:fe41:b297.dhcpv6-client: dhcp6 advertise
>> It seems the network request have been sent from vm instance, and 
>> server also got the message, but the vm instance still can not get the
>> special IPv6 address, also from /var/log/message, I saw the dsnmasq
>> error message:
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: read
>> /var/lib/neutron/dhcp/a5d2bd6f-4509-483d-97df-66582e86b661/host
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: read
>> /var/lib/neutron/dhcp/a5d2bd6f-4509-483d-97df-66582e86b661/opts
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: DHCPSOLICIT(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:8f:54:b6:fa:16:3e:41:b2:97
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: DHCPADVERTISE(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:8f:54:b6:fa:16:3e:41:b2:97 no addresses available
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: DHCPSOLICIT(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:8f:54:b6:fa:16:3e:41:b2:97
>> dnsmasq-dhcp[24313]: DHCPADVERTISE(tap1a82f5d5-e9)
>> 00:01:00:01:1a:8f:54:b6:fa:16:3e:41:b2:97 no addresses available
>> I do not know how to fix this issue, so can you give me some help about
>> it, thanks!
> Your configuration has the dhcp-range configured as "static", which
> tells dnsmasq to only give addresses to hosts which are configured with
> a static address. My guess is the "no addresses available" error is
> because dnsmasq is not recognising the client.
> Set --log-dhcp and see if there's a tag called "known" in the list of
> tags, and let us know how you're configuring host addresses in dnsmasq
> to do static address allocation.
>>I found the dnsmasq dhcp client id is generated by client MAC address,
>>but the dhcp server id is not generated by the binding tap
>>interface(tap1a82f5d5-e9) MAC address. Base on the server id (
>>00:03:00:01:00:0a:f7:1d:70:5c), I found it is generated by another
>>network device, the MAC address(0a:f7:1d:70:5c) is matched with eth4
>>in my env, and also eth4 device is in "inactive" status, I do not know
>>the root cause.
> That's fine. The MAC address of any interface is allowed to be used,
> it's just to make sure the server-id is unique. Same for client-ids.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
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