> Please run it if you can, and report any problems. If you can configure
> DNSSEC and test that, all the better.

Installed and running. Fine so far :)

Packages available at:
https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:tohojo:dnsmasq/dnsmasq for
those interested.

A couple of points on the packaging side:

1. My package manager (on Arch linux) thinks 2.69test9 is a higher version
than 2.69rc1 (lexical ordering I suppose).

2. Maybe, with all this signing going on, signing the source packages
would be a good idea? Also, posting package checksums along with the
release announcement (and signing that?). Right now I have no way of
verifying that the tarball is not being tampered with somewhere along
the way (not even DNSSEC for thekelleys.org as far as I can tell?). And
you *are* distributing keys now... ;)


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