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Release notes below.



version 2.72
            Add ra-advrouter mode, for RFC-3775 mobile IPv6 support.

            Add support for "ipsets" in *BSD, using pf. Thanks to
            Sven Falempim for the patch.

            Fix race condition which could lock up dnsmasq when an
            interface goes down and up rapidly. Thanks to Conrad
            Kostecki for helping to chase this down.

            Add DBus methods SetFilterWin2KOption and SetBogusPrivOption
            Thanks to the Smoothwall project for the patch.

            Fix failure to build against Nettle-3.0. Thanks to Steven
            Barth for spotting this and finding the fix.

            When assigning existing DHCP leases to intefaces by
            comparing networks, handle the case that two or more
            interfaces have the same network part, but different prefix
            lengths (favour the longer prefix length.) Thanks to
            Lung-Pin Chang for the patch.

            Add a mode which detects and removes DNS forwarding loops,
            ie a query sent to an upstream server returns as a new
            query to dnsmasq, and would therefore be forwarded again,
            resulting in a query which loops many times before being
            dropped. Upstream servers which loop back are disabled and
            this event is logged.
            Thanks to Smoothwall for their sponsorship of this feature.

            Extend --conf-dir to allow filtering of files. So
            will load all the files in /etc/dnsmasq.d which end in .conf

            Fix bug when resulted in NXDOMAIN answers instead of NODATA
            in some circumstances.

            Fix bug which caused dnsmasq to become unresponsive if it
            failed to send packets due to a network interface
            Thanks to Niels Peen for spotting this.

            Fix problem with --local-service option on big-endian
            platforms. Thanks to Richard Genoud for the patch.

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