On 15/05/15 17:22, Tom Isaacson wrote:
> We have a device (not made by us) that's using dnsmasq V2.46 and
> occasionally we've seen a few problems with it - DHCP renews being sent out
> every minute, different IP address being provided on renew. Is there a bug
> list for dnsmasq that shows what bugs existed in old versions? I know about
> the changelog but it's not very easy to see what bugs existed when.

The changelog is as good as it gets, I'm afraid. The git history doesn't
go back that far. The only other resource is my memory, which is faulty
and partial, as you might imagine. However I think I'd remember if there
was ever a bug of that nature (changing IP address), and I don't
remember such. The timing of DHCP renews is down to the client, which
implies a client problem for the "renew every minute" problem.

> The second problem I mentioned - different IP address being provided on
> renew - has exposed a bug on our device. We think we've fixed it but I was
> wondering if there's a DHCP server test harness we can use to recreate the
> cause by setting a short lease time then changing the IP address on every
> renew. Any suggestions?

Can you explain in more detail exactly what's happening here. The renew
starts with a client asking to renew an address. The server will either
acknowledge that or send a DHCPNAK if the address isn't available. Are
you saying that the server is sending a DHCPACK, but for a different



> Thanks.
> Tom Isaacson
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