Le Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:45:09 +0200
Albert ARIBAUD <albert.arib...@free.fr> a écrit:

> eth0.3 which does not have an IP and netmask, and therefore rightly
> complain about that.

(developing slightly)

I do understand that most probably -- even though it was not
stated explicitly -- dnsmasq is receiving its how hosts' DHCP request
sent by the client running on eth0.3.

This does not really change my reading of the situation: if dnsmasq
receives this request, it is because eth0.3 is in the list of
interfaces which dnsmasq is actually listening to, even though it is
not in the list of interfaces it *should* be listening to. Hence my

> I don't think, therefore, that what you describe as a bug is [the] one
> [you are considering]. Rather, I would ask how exactly the list of
> interfaces dnsmasq should listen on is efined, how exactly eth0.3 is


> excluded from this list, and whether dnsmasq actually listens only to
> the given list of interfaces.

... because obviously dnsmasq is listening on eth0.3 but should not.


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