Dear all,I am having the same issue as Juan GarcĂ­a-Pardo described 
 Ubuntu 16.04, I use dnsmasq which is backported from Ubuntu 16.10:
dpkg -l dnsmasq
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                   Version          Architecture     Description
ii  dnsmasq                2.76-5           all              Small
caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server

I configured a PXE server, and disabled the isc-dhcp-server and tftpd-hpa so 
that I can test the
DHCP proxy function of dnsmasq.
1. When the attached config file "1-working-local.conf" is used as
/etc/dnsmasq.conf without DHCP proxy, both PXE or uEFI client boot

2. When the attached config file "2-not-working-proxy.conf" is used as
/etc/dnsmasq.conf with DHCP proxy, both PXE or uEFI client can _NOT_
boot successfully. In the log file "2-not-working-proxy.log" you can see
either PXE or uEFI client fails to enter network booting.

3. When the attached config file "3-partial-working-local.conf" is used
as /etc/dnsmasq.conf without DHCP proxy, PXE client can boot
successfully. However, EFI client did not. The log file was attached as

4. When the attached config file "4-partial-working-proxy.conf" is used
as /etc/dnsmasq.conf with DHCP proxy, PXE client can successfully enter
network booting, as shown in "4a-working-pxe-client-proxy.log". However,
for EFI network client, just "bootx64.efi" was downloaded, no other
files were downloaded, as shown in
"4b-not-working-efi-client-proxy.log". For comparison, you can see in
"1-working-efi-no-proxy.log", without DHCP proxy, the clients should
download grub config file "grub.cfg" and other files.

Therefore it seems there is some uEFI network booting issues, no
matter it's using proxy or not.

If you need me to do more tests or more info, please let me know.
Thank you very much.

Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 systemd[1]: Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq[6343]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq[6355]: started, version 2.76 DNS disabled
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq[6355]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq[6355]: DNS service limited to local subnets
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 10h
Jan 14 17:28:11 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: TFTP root is /tftpboot/nbi_img
Jan 14 17:28:22 xenial64 systemd[1]: Started dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
Jan 14 17:28:22 xenial64 systemd[1]: Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 DHCPDISCOVER(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 tags: X64_EFI, ens38
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 DHCPOFFER(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 1:netmask, 2:time-offset, 3:router, 4, 5,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 6:dns-server, 12:hostname, 13:boot-file-size,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 15:domain-name, 17:root-path, 18:extension-path,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 22:max-datagram-reassembly, 23:default-ttl,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 28:broadcast, 40:nis-domain, 41:nis-server,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 42:ntp-server, 43:vendor-encap, 50:requested-address,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 51:lease-time, 54:server-identifier, 58:T1,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 59:T2, 60:vendor-class, 66:tftp-server, 67:bootfile-name,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 97:client-machine-id, 128, 129, 130, 131,
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 132, 133, 134, 135
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 bootfile name: bootx64.efi
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 next server:
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  2
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 51 lease-time  10h
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 58 T1  5h
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 59 T2  8h45m
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option:  1 netmask
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 28 broadcast
Jan 14 17:28:37 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option:  3 router
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 DHCPREQUEST(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 tags: X64_EFI, ens38
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 DHCPACK(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 1:netmask, 2:time-offset, 3:router, 4, 5,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 6:dns-server, 12:hostname, 13:boot-file-size,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 15:domain-name, 17:root-path, 18:extension-path,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 22:max-datagram-reassembly, 23:default-ttl,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 28:broadcast, 40:nis-domain, 41:nis-server,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 42:ntp-server, 43:vendor-encap, 50:requested-address,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 51:lease-time, 54:server-identifier, 58:T1,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 59:T2, 60:vendor-class, 66:tftp-server, 67:bootfile-name,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 97:client-machine-id, 128, 129, 130, 131,
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 requested options: 132, 133, 134, 135
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 bootfile name: bootx64.efi
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 next server:
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  5
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 51 lease-time  10h
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 58 T1  5h
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 59 T2  8h45m
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option:  1 netmask
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option: 28 broadcast
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6355]: 1305276272 sent size:  4 option:  3 router
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: error 8 User aborted the transfer received from
Jan 14 17:28:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: failed sending /tftpboot/nbi_img/bootx64.efi to
Jan 14 17:28:45 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/bootx64.efi to
Jan 14 17:28:45 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/grub.cfg-01-00-0c-29-1d-9a-d1 not found
Jan 14 17:28:45 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/grub.cfg- not found
Jan 14 17:28:45 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/grub.cfg to
Jan 14 17:28:45 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: message repeated 3 times: [ sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/grub.cfg to]
Jan 14 17:28:49 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/drblwp.png to
Jan 14 17:28:51 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: error 0 closed received from
Jan 14 17:28:51 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: failed sending /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/fonts/unicode.pf2 to
Jan 14 17:28:55 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: error 0 closed received from
Jan 14 17:28:55 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6355]: failed sending /tftpboot/nbi_img/grub-efi.cfg/fonts/unicode.pf2 to

Attachment: 1-working-local.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 2-not-working-proxy.conf
Description: Binary data

Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 systemd[1]: Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq[6001]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq[6013]: started, version 2.76 DNS disabled
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq[6013]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-LuaFy
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq[6013]: DNS service limited to local subnets
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: DHCP, proxy on subnet
Jan 14 17:03:40 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6013]: TFTP root is /tftpboot/nbi_img
Jan 14 17:03:52 xenial64 systemd[1]: Started dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
Jan 14 17:03:52 xenial64 systemd[1]: Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
Jan 14 17:03:58 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 710383613 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:03:58 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 710383613 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:04:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 727160829 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:04:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 727160829 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:04:04 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 743938045 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:04:04 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 743938045 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:04:12 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 760715261 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:04:12 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 760715261 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:04:51 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:04:51 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:04:54 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:04:54 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:05:02 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:05:02 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6013]: 1961667802 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 systemd[1]: Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq[6489]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq[6501]: started, version 2.76 DNS disabled
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq[6501]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq[6501]: DNS service limited to local subnets
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 10h
Jan 14 17:32:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6501]: TFTP root is /tftpboot/nbi_img
Jan 14 17:32:58 xenial64 systemd[1]: Started dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
Jan 14 17:32:58 xenial64 systemd[1]: Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 DHCPDISCOVER(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 DHCPOFFER(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 1:netmask, 2:time-offset, 3:router, 4, 5,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 6:dns-server, 12:hostname, 13:boot-file-size,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 15:domain-name, 17:root-path, 18:extension-path,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 22:max-datagram-reassembly, 23:default-ttl,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 28:broadcast, 40:nis-domain, 41:nis-server,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 42:ntp-server, 43:vendor-encap, 50:requested-address,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 51:lease-time, 54:server-identifier, 58:T1,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 59:T2, 60:vendor-class, 66:tftp-server, 67:bootfile-name,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 97:client-machine-id, 128, 129, 130, 131,
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 132, 133, 134, 135
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 next server:
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  2
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 51 lease-time  10h
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 58 T1  5h
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 59 T2  8h45m
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option:  1 netmask
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 28 broadcast
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option:  3 router
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:33:00 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:6a:78:f8:44:b8:c0:b6:a1:01:ab:c7...
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 DHCPREQUEST(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 DHCPACK(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 1:netmask, 2:time-offset, 3:router, 4, 5,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 6:dns-server, 12:hostname, 13:boot-file-size,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 15:domain-name, 17:root-path, 18:extension-path,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 22:max-datagram-reassembly, 23:default-ttl,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 28:broadcast, 40:nis-domain, 41:nis-server,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 42:ntp-server, 43:vendor-encap, 50:requested-address,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 51:lease-time, 54:server-identifier, 58:T1,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 59:T2, 60:vendor-class, 66:tftp-server, 67:bootfile-name,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 97:client-machine-id, 128, 129, 130, 131,
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 requested options: 132, 133, 134, 135
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 next server:
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  5
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 51 lease-time  10h
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 58 T1  5h
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 59 T2  8h45m
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option:  1 netmask
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option: 28 broadcast
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  4 option:  3 router
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3789429423 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:6a:78:f8:44:b8:c0:b6:a1:01:ab:c7...
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:03 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:33:04 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:04 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:33:06 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:06 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:33:09 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 available DHCP range: --
Jan 14 17:33:09 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6501]: 3908523107 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016

Attachment: 3-partial-working-local.conf
Description: Binary data

Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 systemd[1]: Starting dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server...
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq[6135]: dnsmasq: syntax check OK.
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq[6148]: started, version 2.76 DNS disabled
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq[6148]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus i18n IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP conntrack ipset auth DNSSEC loop-detect inotify
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq[6148]: DNS service limited to local subnets
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: DHCP, proxy on subnet
Jan 14 17:06:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: TFTP root is /tftpboot/nbi_img
Jan 14 17:06:37 xenial64 systemd[1]: Started dnsmasq - A lightweight DHCP and caching DNS server.
Jan 14 17:06:37 xenial64 systemd[1]: Reached target Host and Network Name Lookups.
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 PXE(ens38) 00:0c:29:57:97:fd proxy
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  2
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:75:a2:73:b7:44:39:d3:ad:5f:c0:d0...
Jan 14 17:07:26 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size: 37 option: 43 vendor-encap  06:01:03:0a:04:00:50:58:45:08:07:80:00:01...
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00000:UNDI:002001
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 PXE(ens38) 00:0c:29:57:97:fd pxelinux.0
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 bootfile name: pxelinux.0
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 next server:
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  5
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:75:a2:73:b7:44:39:d3:ad:5f:c0:d0...
Jan 14 17:07:28 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 710383613 sent size:  7 option: 43 vendor-encap  47:04:80:00:00:00:ff
Jan 14 17:07:29 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: error 0 TFTP Aborted received from
Jan 14 17:07:29 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: failed sending /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.0 to
Jan 14 17:07:29 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.0 to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/ldlinux.c32 to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/564d75a2-73b7-4439-d3ad-5fc0d05797fd not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/01-00-0c-29-57-97-fd not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A81602 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8160 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A816 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A81 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A8 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0A not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C0 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/C not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/default to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/vesamenu.c32 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/libcom32.c32 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/bios/vesamenu.c32 to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/bios/libcom32.c32 to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: file /tftpboot/nbi_img/libutil.c32 not found
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/bios/libutil.c32 to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/pxelinux.cfg/default to
Jan 14 17:07:30 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/drblwp.png to
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 PXE(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1 proxy
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 next server:
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 broadcast response
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  2
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:07:44 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:6a:78:f8:44:b8:c0:b6:a1:01:ab:c7...
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 2677523307 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 available DHCP subnet:
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 vendor class: PXEClient:Arch:00009:UNDI:003016
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 PXE(ens38) 00:0c:29:1d:9a:d1 proxy
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 tags: ens38
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 bootfile name: bootx64.efi
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 server name:
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 next server:
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 sent size:  1 option: 53 message-type  5
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 sent size:  4 option: 54 server-identifier
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 sent size:  9 option: 60 vendor-class  50:58:45:43:6c:69:65:6e:74
Jan 14 17:07:47 xenial64 dnsmasq-dhcp[6148]: 42272915 sent size: 17 option: 97 client-machine-id  00:56:4d:6a:78:f8:44:b8:c0:b6:a1:01:ab:c7...
Jan 14 17:07:48 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: error 8 User aborted the transfer received from
Jan 14 17:07:48 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: failed sending /tftpboot/nbi_img/bootx64.efi to
Jan 14 17:07:55 xenial64 dnsmasq-tftp[6148]: sent /tftpboot/nbi_img/bootx64.efi to

Attachment: 4-partial-working-proxy.conf
Description: Binary data

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