On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 10:22:53AM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 05:08:05PM +0000, Donald Muller wrote:
> > 
> > Using Microsoft DNS server
> > 
> > [~] # time nslookup www.microsoft.com
> > Address 1: djmfs1.djmuller.com
> Programm nslookup did a reverse lookup on used DNS address
> and got back a FQDN
> > Address 1: 
> > a172-229-210-230.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com
> > 
> > real    0m0.103s
> > 
> > Using dnsmasq
> > 
> > [~] # time nslookup www.microsoft.com
> > Address 1: DJMFS2
> Non Fully Qualified Domain Name for the used DNS address
> > Address 1: 
> > a172-229-210-230.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com
> > 
> > real    0m40.057s
> Wow, a full forty seconds ...
> > As you can see dnsmasq took a lot longer.
> > Both DNS servers are set up to
> > forward requests to my router ( which then forwards them
> > on the my ISP DNS servers. The router is NOT running a DNS server.
> So the "forward" is about forwarding plain IP packets.
> Initially I did read the "forward" as "forwarding a DNS request"
> > Some queries run faster on the NAS. Others, like www.micorsoft.com run
> > slower. Here is my dnsmasq setup.
> > 
> > Main dnsmasq config file
> > 
> > user=xxxxx
> > group=yyyyyyy
> > log-facility=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Logs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq.log
> > log-async=25
> > bind-dynamic
> > conf-file=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Configs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq-dns.conf  
> > # DNS configuration information
> > conf-file=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Configs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq-dhcp.conf 
> > # DHCP configuration information
> > 
> > dnsmasq-dns.conf file
> > 
> > domain-needed
> > domain=djmuller.com
> > no-hosts
> > addn-hosts=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Configs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq-hosts.conf
> > expand-hosts
> > #log-queries
> > local-service
> > bogus-priv
> > filterwin2k
> > resolv-file=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Configs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq-resolv.conf
> > stop-dns-rebind
> > rebind-localhost-ok
> > no-poll
> > clear-on-reload
> > domain-needed
> > mx-host=djmuller.com,djmuller.com,50
> > mx-target=mail.djmuller.com
> > cache-size=1000
> > conf-file=/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/UserData/Configs/DNSMasq/dnsmasq-adservers.conf
> >  # List of servers that will return no-domain
> > rebind-domain-ok=/plex.direct/
> > 
> > Is there a setting that needs to be changed/added/removed?
> > What additional information do you need?
> > 
> The connection between the r2012 server and the router.
> The connection between the dnsmasq and the router.

the connection between the nslookup client and the r2012 server
the connection between the nslookup client and the dnsmasq server

Geert Stappers
Who thinks this mail thread is not about a dnsmasq issue
Leven en laten leven

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