On 2019-06-26 22:09, Geert Stappers wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 26, 2019 at 06:20:32PM -0700, A C wrote:
>> On 2019-06-26 13:32, Geert Stappers wrote:
>>> On 24-06-2019 02:38, A C wrote:
> ....
>>>>>>> On 23-06-2019 08:06, A C wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm having trouble removing leases from my system.
> ...
>>>> There seems to be some kind of persistence that exists outside of just
>>>> the lease file but I don't know where that is.  This isn't the first
>>>> time this has happened and it's happened with different embedded devices
>>>> and non-embedded devices (cameras, AP's, IoTs, phones, etc.) there just
>>>> seems to be sticky lease data somewhere.
>>> You are probadly right about the "sticky lease data somewhere"
>>> (I'm not comfortable to say "you are right about sticky lease data" )
>>> The lease file I removed had size of zero bytes.
>>> My (educated??) guess is that lease data is stored in Dbus.
>>> My only point to back that up, is `dnsmasq -v` showing "DBus"
>> Yes, my copy does have DBus support.  I've turned on dbus-monitor to see
>> if anything shows up at the next lease update.  There's enough devices I
>> shouldn't have to wait long.
> This email is to express that I'm looking forward to those test results.

Well, either it's not doing anything with dbus or (more likely) I don't
know the magic incantation to dbus-monitor to have it show anything.

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