On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 01:35:15PM +0200, Tim Schumacher wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got issues with my Raspberry Pi 1 with a fresh Raspbian
> installation as a DHCP client.

Those "issues" are probably
Subject: Rasperry Pi's DHCPv6 IP is not added to DNS and dnsmasq.leases file

> Note that dnsmasq is running on another
> Raspberry Pi 4 acting as a router. All the other devices I tested get
> both an IPv4 and an IPv6 address via DHCP and DHCPv6 and those addresses
> are resolved via DNS and added to the /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases file.
> Even though my Raspberry Pi is assigned an IPv6 address via DHCPv6 (it's
> in the specified range and the DHCPREPLY line is logged by dnsmasq) only
> the IPv4 address of the Pi is resolved via DNS and added to the
> dnsmasq.leases file. Any ideas?

Tell more about the DNS design in the network.
So take some time to tell what is at server side of DNS.
Explain why it works for the non problematic computers.

Next tell us, this mailinglist, what the RPi 1 does different
then the non problematic computers.

In other words:
The request for help in solving a problem has been seen.
But please make some more effort to explain the problem.

Yes, I'm aware that explaining a problem can be bigger problem
as the actual problem. And also aware that describing the problem
more then half of the solution.

Geert Stappers
Who could not ignore a valid question.
Leven en laten leven

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