> Am 05.11.2019 um 22:31 schrieb Geert Stappers <stapp...@stappers.nl>:
> On Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 01:26:55PM -0600, Lonnie Abelbeck wrote:
>>> On Nov 5, 2019, at 12:39 PM, bln 77 <bln...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I have a network.
>>> I want to have clients in the same network because I want to be able to 
>>> receive IP-broadcast for autodiscovery.
>>> I configured two VLANs and the router has an interface/ip in both:
>>> lan1: with subnet mask
>>> lan2: with subnet mask
>>> Both interfaces are bridged together and I filter/firewall the traffic with 
>>> etables rules.
>>> I have a filter that blocks DHCP traffic from being bridged/forwarded.
>>> Now I want to configure dnsmasq to offer the following ranges on the 
>>> interfaces so I can easily recognise in which net the client belongs:
>>> dhcp-range=set:lan1,,,,12h
>>> dhcp-range=set:lan2,,,,12h
>>> Unfortunately the clients on the second interface also getting an offer 
>>> from the 10.1.1.x range.
>>> I think both ranges are active on both interfaces?
>>> Is there any way to pin a range to an interface?
>>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Alternatively, use isolated subnets with masks, no bridge, and 
>> enable "avahi-daemon" to share the broadcasts you need between subnets.
>> Everything is now simple ... except possibly configuring "avahi-daemon". :-)
> Here another person that doesn't understand the use case of O.P.
> But I think the question is
>>> Is there any way to pin a range to an interface?
> Two snippets from http://thekelleys.org.uk/dnsmasq/docs/dnsmasq-man.html
> 1: The tag "bootp" is set for BOOTP requests, and a tag whose name is the
>   name of the interface on which the request arrived is also set.
> 2: --dhcp-range=[tag:<tag>[,tag:<tag>],][set:<tag>,]<start-addr>
>     [,<end-addr>|<mode>][,<netmask>[,<broadcast>]][,<lease time>]
> Let us, this mailinglist, know how helpfull this posting was.

This helped a lot. Didn’t knew that a tag is set automatically:)

Seems to work now:
lan1 and lan2 (openwrt) wasn’t set, instead the “real” name was used by dnsmasq


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