On Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 05:39:36PM -0500, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Mon, 2019-11-25 at 22:44 +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > 
> > note twice a query on NS of example.com
> Yes.  That is part of my original report.  I query it twice and it
> returns inconsistent results.
Strange  and, I think, the reason why we have this thread.

> > # dig +short @ example.com. ns
> > > server.example.com.
> > > # dig +short @ mail.example.com.
> > >
> > > # dig +short @ interlinx.bc.ca. ns
> > 
> > Hey, that one was not in the original post.
> Oh damnit.  Was just doing a bit of anonymizing and missed one.
> That will teach me not to use tools for that.

Better not alternating facts.

> In any case "interlinx.bc.ca" should actually be "example.com" to
> maintain consistency of the report.
> > Back to what the original problem is.  (explain what
> >   inconsistent use of a server=/example.com/<ip_addr> specification
> > is supposed to mean)
> It's inconsistent in that multiple queries for example.com's NSes
> return inconsistent results.  Sometimes it returns the address
> configured with:
> server=/example.com/
> (i.e. returns and other times it returns the addresses
> configured on the global Internet for the NSes for example.com.  But it
> shouldn't be doing that.  The above server=/example.com/
> should be preventing any lookup of example.com's NSes from anywhere. 
> They should be "fixed" in dnsmasq's configuration to be
> per the above server= configuration.

So "The above server=/example.com/ should be preventing
any lookup of example.com's NSes from anywhere."

I think I begin to understand what Original Poster wants. But NOT
what might be causing the inconsistancy. I hope that OP digs deeper.

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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