On 7/30/20, wkitt...@gmail.com wrote:

On 7/29/20 7:59 PM, Dan Schaper wrote:
You've told dnsmasq to send a lease with option 6 (DNS) set to Where dnsmasq forwards the queries to is not relevant to
your issue, you only have one upstream server configured.

are you saying that this


is not defining two upstream servers?
If you'd expect dnsmasq's DNS server to switch its upstream DNS based on those options, that expectation would be entirely unjustified:
Those lines configure DHCP, not DNS.

That first line instructs the DHCP server to hand out as DNS server when a red DHCP client is requesting that DHCP information, e.g. during initial DHCP lease negotiation - likewise the second with for green clients.
A client will then send its DNS queries to that respective DNS server.

S Irlapati, you did force your client to request a new DHCP lease to put those options into effect, didn't you?

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