Please apply the patch above and see if it fixes it.

Sorry, but no.

There is a new error: "failed to send packet: Not a socket"

Fri Jan 22 19:54:33 2021 dnsmasq[11495]: started, version 2.84test1 
cachesize 1000
Fri Jan 22 19:54:33 2021 dnsmasq[11495]: DNS service limited to 
local subnets
Fri Jan 22 19:54:33 2021 dnsmasq[11495]: compile time options: IPv6 
GNU-getopt no-DBus UBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP no-DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack 
no-ipset no-auth no-nettlehash no-DNSSEC no-ID loop-detect inotify dumpfile
Fri Jan 22 19:54:33 2021 dnsmasq-dhcp[11495]: read /etc/ethers - 0 
Fri Jan 22 19:54:34 2021 daemon.err dnsmasq[11495]: failed to send packet: Not 
a socket
Fri Jan 22 19:54:53 2021 daemon.err dnsmasq[11495]: failed to send packet: Not 
a socket
Fri Jan 22 19:54:53 2021 daemon.err dnsmasq[11495]: failed to send packet: Not 
a socket

I think that Kevin D-B has also reported the same finding to you, in parallel.

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