On 15/03/2021 09:05, Nguyen Ngo wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your response. Do you have any references as to how this works?
> Moreover, do you know how I can configure the lifetime in the
> dnsmasq.conf file so that dnsmasq will stop forwarding dns requests to
> the resolver once the lifetime expires?
> Currently, this is my conf file. I could not find anything in the man
> page that tells me how to configure the lifetime for the dns resolvers.
> no-resolv
> no-negcache
> pid-file=/var/run/dnsmasq.host.pid
> port=53
> server=2001:2:0:1000:200:10ff:fe10:1081
> bind-interfaces
> interface=lo

There are two things going on here. We were originally talking about
dnsmasq sending the RDNSS option in router advertisements to clients.
It's up to the clients to stop using those resolvers when the lifetime

Now we're talking about dnsmasq getting its upstream resolvers from
RDNSS options. The example you give isn't doing that: it's just hard
coding the address of the resolver.

You probably need to use something like rdnssd. That gets the RDNSS
advertisements from the upstream network, and uses them to write a
resolv.conf file. Dnsmasq will read a resolv.conf file and re-read it
when it changes, so that's fine.




> On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 2:23 PM Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk
> <mailto:si...@thekelleys.org.uk>> wrote:
>     On 29/01/2021 09:23, Nguyen Ngo wrote:
>     > Hello,
>     > I was wondering if dnsmasq has support for the following RFC
>     standard. I
>     > couldn't find it anywhere in the documentation.
>     >
>     > RFC 8106
>     > Section 5.1 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8106#section-5.1>
>     Recursive
>     > DNS Server lifetime field.
>     > Section 5.2 <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8106#section-5.2> DNS
>     Search
>     > List Option lifetime field.
>     >
>     Both are supported. You configure the corresponding DHCPv6 option, and
>     the same data is used for Radv. The lifetime is automatically set to the
>     shortest lifetime for a preferred address on the interface. You can't
>     set it explicitly.
>     Simon.
>     _______________________________________________
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