> Hey Simon,
> On Thu, 2021-04-01 at 23:55 +0100, Simon Kelley wrote:
> > I could do with a handle on exactly how people are configuring dnsmasq
> > to do ad blocking. It's not something I have much experience of.
> The situation for Pi-hole (a popular ad blocker based on dnsmasq) is the
> following:
> Traditionally, Pi-hole used "addn-hosts" to add HOSTS-like files containing
> domains (example:
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts). This
> list contains roughly 80,000 domains. This is doable with dnsmasq on all
> platforms having at least 512 MB of memory. However, Pi-hole users
> typically want to take it to the extremes. They added more and more lists,
> often going beyond the one million domains mark. This became a problem
> regarding memory. I don't recall complains about slow replies, though.
> Anyway, as this became more and more an issue and since we wanted to have
> something more professional than a text file (so users can easily add
> comments, etc.), we amended the dnsmasq code with an interface to a SQLite3
> database holding all domains to be blocked. We also added support for
> regular expressions (and hereby wildcards). With this new approach, we
> stopped storing anything about blocked domains in dnsmasq's cache: blocked
> domains are short-circuited and replied to with a mock answer. They are
> never added to the cache. This is done because we allow different lists to
> be assigned to different clients so some devices using the DNS server can
> be limited further down while other may be fully open on the same process.
> This works really fast because the balanced-tree (B-tree) index on the
> domain is very efficient. The tree lives transparently in page cache so
> accessing it is very fast even in the 1 mio. range (lookup speed scales
> logarithmic, typically < 5 ms on Raspberry Pis for 3mio. blocked domains).
> Note that we are hooking into dnsmasq's code from "outside" to keep changes
> in the dnsmasq codebase minimal so we can straightaway apply any patches
> from dnsmasq's git.
> So even when this is a bit outside of the current discussion, I thought
> it'd be interesting to mention that Pi-hole used to use "addn-hosts" but
> stopped to do so some time ago.
> Best,
> Dominik
> I was indeed in pi-hole's dnsmasq changes a while go and tried to use it
to replace dnsmasq(for its sqlite3, cname etc), however that turns out to
be too challenging as they're really geared towards pi-holes specifically.
Especially the way it forks dnsmasq. I would be great if pihole's dnsmasq
changes can be used standalone(e.g. a dnsmasq variant with
sqlite3/cname-nesting etc).

Though the performance issue I mentioned in my last reply about
local/address/cname parsing remains the same, you will have to use hosts
files to a quick reload when you have large blocklists.

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