On 04.05.21 18:17, Ercolino de Spiacico wrote:
1) why doesn't dnsmasq perform reverse DNS resolution by default? All the info is in there but it seems like additional directives are needed.

what do you mean? dnsmasq resoves everything it can, but only if you ask for

2) Talking about having an external file where reverse lookup info is held, how would this be linked to the main dnsmasq configuration and what would the content of it look like e.g. syntax? All I could find are configuration directives like:

well, by this you explicitly configure dnsmasq to provide only A lookup.

but my idea would be to have something that looks more like the host file (if possible at all). Where can I find the relevant documentation on how to achieve this and/or can I get some help on how to get started?

you can /etc/hosts instead, which is standard file in UN*X operating
systems. dnsmasq uses it for forward and reverse resolution, unless you
disable it.

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