DHCPv4 needs to be running on other interfaces because there are guest networks.

May  5 18:15:14 dnsmasq-dhcp[9209]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May  5 18:15:14 dnsmasq-dhcp[9209]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May  5 18:15:14 dnsmasq-dhcp[9209]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d

Nothing in the log clearly explains what interfaces those ranges are assigned 
to, but in the config they are br1, br2, br3.

The br0 interface does *not* have an IPv4 range configured and should be DHCPv6 

Yet, Dnsmasq is still receiving DHCPv4 messages on br0, processing, and 
spamming the log saying that a range isn’t configured.

> On Apr 29, 2021, at 4:10 PM, Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk> wrote:
> On 24/04/2021 04:28, Aaron Oneal wrote:
>> Geert, thank you that is a creative solution. I wasn’t able to determine how 
>> to configure that so I determined a way to change my network topology 
>> instead to work around.
>> Simon, thank you for your assistance. Let me see if I can help track this 
>> down.
>> Dnsmasq is listening on 67:
>> udp        0      0                                          
>>*                                                       PID/dnsmasq
>> Nothing logged on startup in syslog other than:
>> Apr 23 20:13:14 dnsmasq-dhcp[PID]: no address range available for DHCP 
>> request via br0
>> ASUS router with this firmware:
>> https://github.com/RMerl/asuswrt-merlin.ng
>> Dnsmasq version:
>> Dnsmasq version 2.84-42-g433dc70  Copyright (c) 2000-2021 Simon Kelley
>> Compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-UBus no-i18n no-IDN 
>> DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset no-auth cryptohash DNSSEC no-ID 
>> loop-detect no-inotify no-dumpfile
>> Line generating the error (rfc2131.c Line 345):
>> https://github.com/imp/dnsmasq/blob/master/src/rfc2131.c
> By far the simplest explanation for this is that the dnsmasq config is
> enabling DHCPv4. If the Asus firmware is anything like OpenWRT, it will
> do all sorts of stuff behind the scenes. Before doing anything else, we
> need to find out what dnsmasq is reporting as its config. The easiest
> way to do that might be to redirect all the dnsmasq logging to a file
> using something like
> log-facility=/path/to/file
> and then restart dnsmasq (if you can) or reboot the whole system.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
>>> On Apr 23, 2021, at 10:48 AM, Simon Kelley <si...@thekelleys.org.uk> wrote:
>>> On 21/04/2021 19:41, Aaron Oneal wrote:
>>>> I am trying to configure my gateway running Dnsmasq to serve IPv6 
>>>> addresses via SLAAC+RA and I don’t see how to enable that in a way that 
>>>> doesn’t also require IPv4 DHCP to be turned on.
>>>> interface=br0
>>>> dhcp-range=lan,::,constructor:br0,ra-stateless,64,600
>>>> ra-param=br0,10,600
>>>> enable-ra
>>>> I already have a different server on the LAN that handles IPv4 DHCP so I 
>>>> don’t want Dnsmasq doing it.
>>>> The problem is, Dnsmasq listens on IPv4 anyway and every time it receives 
>>>> an IPv4 DHCP message it spams my syslog with dozens of messages per second 
>>>> saying "no address range available for DHCP request via br0." I didn’t 
>>>> specify an IPv4 range because I don’t want one.
>>>> I tried using `listen-address=<ipv6 addresses>` instead of `interface=br0` 
>>>> but then RA doesn’t seem to be active and my devices stop receiving IPv6 
>>>> addresses.
>>>> I can’t remove the IPv4 address from the interface because it’s a gateway.
>>>> Is there a way to configure Dnsmasq for IPv6 only?
>>> What you're doing should configure dnsmasq for IPv6 only, and a naive
>>> attempt to reproduce you setup doesn't seem to have the same problem.
>>> It's certainly not listening on IPv4 UDP port 68, which it would be if
>>> serving DHCPv4.
>>> Please could you let us know what version of dnsmasq you are running,
>>> and what it logs at start-up? That would help to reproduce the bug at
>>> this end.
>>> Simon.
>>> On Apr 21, 2021, at 1:09 PM, Geert Stappers via Dnsmasq-discuss 
>>> <dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk> wrote:
>>> Path I would go is configuring dnsmasq to only IPv4 DHCP reply to known
>>> MAC-addresses. And than have a MAC address configured that none of the
>>> clients has.  No, I never have travelled that path. I do like to known
>>> if it lead to the wanted goal.
>>> Groeten
>>> Geert Stappers

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