On Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 02:55:08PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> As a final question, if one wants dnsmasq to do local cacheing do you
> put 'nameserver' in the resolv.conf file and then provide
> the upstream dns server elsewhere in the configuration?
I think this is mostly explained by the dnsmasq man page:-

       In order to configure dnsmasq to act as cache for the host on which it 
is running, put
       "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf to force local processes to 
send queries to
       dnsmasq.  Then  either specify the upstream servers directly to dnsmasq 
using --server
       options or put their addresses real in another file, say 
/etc/resolv.dnsmasq  and  run
       dnsmasq  with  the --resolv-file /etc/resolv.dnsmasq option. This second 
technique al‐
       lows for dynamic update of the server addresses by PPP or DHCP.

Does this mean that the configuration on the Raspberry Pi is correct?
(as described at the start of this thread)

Many, many tutorials one can find on the internet have /etc/resolv.conf
like this:-

    search this.lan

I assume this is just plain wrong!

Chris Green

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