On 04/01/2022 17:11, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On 2022-01-04 Simon Kelley 
> <simon-xn1N/tgparsycpQjotevgVpr/1R2p/c...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> The only thing that sticks out in the config is dnssec-debug. Not
>> recommended to run that in production use.
>> As for debugging, the crucial thing, as always, is being able to
>> reproduce the problem with as little effect as possible. Once that's
>> done, building with
>> make CFLAGS=-g
>> and then running under gdb with the -d flag is a good simple way to start.
> [...]
> Hello,
> <shameless plug>
> FWIW this looks similar to https://bugs.debian.org/1001576 which
> features a backtrace.
> </>
> cu Andreas


Are you running with the --strict-order config? The backtrace looks, at
least superficially, like the bug fixed in


Whilst John is not setting --strict order, so that doesn't seem to to be
relevant in his case.



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