On 06/01/2022 00:05, Eric Dittman via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
> On 1/5/22 4:57 PM, Simon Kelley wrote:
>> On 03/01/2022 21:55, Eric Dittman via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:
>>> I have a Ubiquiti UDM SE.  It uses dnsmasq for DNS, DHCP, and RAs.  I
>>> have external DNS and DHCP servers so I want to send RA packets with
>>> the M and O flags set and the A flag reset, but I can't figure out the
>>> proper configuration to do that.  Right now just to get RA working on
>>> the subnets for IPv6 I have the following:
>>> enable-ra
>>> ra-param=*,high,0
>>> domain=mydomain
>>> dhcp-range=2001:470:xxxx::,ra-names,slaac
>>> dhcp-range=2001:470:xxxx:10::,ra-names,slaac
>>> dhcp-range=2001:470:xxxx:20::,ra-names,slaac
>>> dhcp-range=2001:470:xxxx:40::,ra-names,slaac
>>> I'm getting autoconf IPv6 addresses but I'm not seeing any DHCPv6
>>> packets on the external DHCPv6 servers (a pair per subnet).
>>> Any ideas how I can get this working?
>> The dnsmasq RA code was designed to work with the dnsmasq DHCPv6 server,
>> so there's no direct support for this. I think the closest you can get
>> is to configure a static-addresses-only dhcp range
>> dhcp-range=2001:470:xxxx:10::,static,slaac
>> Which will not allocate any DHCPv6 leases, leaving the field open for
>> you other DHCPv6 servers, but will set the M and O bits.
>> Adding a new keyword to cover this circumstance is pretty
>> straightforward.
> Thanks, Simon, that worked!  I really appreciate it.
> The only issue I'm having now is I'm getting the router link-local IPv6
> address included along with the two IPv6 addresses I specify in the
> DHCPv6 options for the DNS resolvers:
> nameserver 2001:470:xxxx:10::105
> nameserver 2001:470:xxxx:10::106
> nameserver fe80::300d:e6ff:fe85:e6e0
> nameserver
> nameserver

Dnsmasq will include the router's link-local address as the DNS server
IF no other addresses are configured with dhcp-option AND dnsmasq is
configured to provide DNS.

If your case, since you're not using dnsmasq for DNS, disable DNS by


and that DNS server address will disappear.



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