On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 04:09:56AM -0500, Original Observer wrote:
> This has happened to me a few times now.

That "This" is probably

    Subject: Infinite loop upon incoming DNS query when no upstream resolvers 
during cable modem reboot

> Dnsmasq 2.86 gets into an infinite
> loop and ceases all DNS and DHCP service when my cable modem reboots and
> hands out a junk DHCP lease with no DNS resolvers.
> Some clues:

Clues for what?

> * /etc/resolv.conf is static and contains only "nameserver" so
> programs running on the local host will resolve names via the local Dnsmasq
> instance.
> * /tmp/resolv.conf is generated by the DHCP client script and usually
> contains:
>    domain hsd1.nh.comcast.net.
>    nameserver
>    nameserver
> * /etc/dnsmasq.conf contains:
>    no-hosts
>    log-queries=extra
>    bogus-priv
>    resolv-file=/tmp/resolv.conf
>    domain-needed
>    cache-size=10000
>    dhcp-range=,,,720h
>    dhcp-range=::,constructor:br0,ra-only,ra-names
>    dhcp-option=vendor:MSFT,1,2i
>    dhcp-authoritative
>    dhcp-rapid-commit
>    log-dhcp
>    dhcp-script=/bin/logger
>    script-on-renewal
>    enable-ra
>    ra-param=br0,mtu:eth0,high,1800,9000
>    domain=home.xxxxxx.com
>    local=/home.xxxxxx.com/
>    cname=home.xxxxxx.com,yyyyyy.home.xxxxxx.com,86400
>    address=/public.home.xxxxxx.com/
>    interface-name=public.home.xxxxxx.com,eth0/4
> * Dnsmasq is started by init as
>    "/sbin/dnsmasq --keep-in-foreground --user --interface=br0".
> * /tmp/resolv.conf becomes empty when the cable modem hands out a junk DHCP
> lease with no DNS resolvers.
> * One of the last messages Dnsmasq logs before it hangs is "no servers found
> in /tmp/resolv.conf, will retry".
> * The DHCP client script tries to synchronize the local clock with
> pool.ntp.org upon every lease renewal. This triggers a DNS query, and as
> /etc/resolv.conf says "nameserver", the query goes to Dnsmasq to
> resolve. Dnsmasq logs the query but then logs *neither* a response to the
> query *nor* an indication that the query has been forwarded anywhere.
> Indeed, this appears to be the point when Dnsmasq goes into an infinite loop
> and never comes back.
> * When this happens, Dnsmasq pegs the CPU and does not respond to SIGTERM. I
> have to SIGKILL it.
> Some key points from the log (which is included in full at the end of this
> message):
> 1. <6>r8169 0000:02:00.0 eth0: Link is Up - 1Gbps/Full - flow control off
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: carrier acquired
>    This is the Ethernet link to the cable modem reacquiring carrier after
> the cable modem reboots.


> 2. <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: sending DISCOVER (xid 0xbd6b2cf7), next in 4.2 
> seconds
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: offered from
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: sending REQUEST (xid 0xbd6b2cf7), next in 4.5 seconds
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: acknowledged from
>    This is the DHCP client obtaining a junk lease from the cable modem,
> which is has not yet locked onto the DOCSIS network at this point.


> 3. <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: executing: /etc/dhcpcd.sh BOUND
>   <13>dhcp: Upstream routers:
>   <13>dhcp: Domain name: (none)
>   <13>dhcp: DNS servers: (none)
>   <28>dnsmasq[14692]: no servers found in /tmp/resolv.conf, will retry
>    This is the DHCP client script updating /tmp/resolv.conf (to become
> empty) and Dnsmasq noticing the change, re-reading the file, and reporting
> that there are no upstream servers.

And that "no upstream servers" matches '<13>dhcp: DNS servers: (none)'.

> 4. <13>dhcp: NTP servers: (none)
>   <30>dnsmasq[14692]: 15019 query[A] pool.ntp.org from 
>    This is the DHCP client script reporting that the DHCP lease has
> specified no NTP servers. At this point the script calls ntpclient with a
> default NTP server of pool.ntp.org. You can see the DNS query arrive at
> Dnsmasq from localhost.
> 5. <75>ntpclient[28632]: Failed resolving address to hostname pool.ntp.org: 
> No address associated with hostname
>   <75>ntpclient[28632]: Unable lookup pool.ntp.org
>    This is ntpclient complaining that it was unable to resolve pool.ntp.org.
> Notably, there was *no* log line from Dnsmasq stating, "config error is
> REFUSED (EDE: network error)". Rather, it appears as though ntpclient simply
> timed out while waiting for a reply.

Yes, still no DNServer available

> 6. <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: executing: /etc/dhcpcd.sh RENEW
>   <13>dhcp: NTP servers: (none)
>   <75>ntpclient[28638]: Failed resolving address to hostname pool.ntp.org: No 
> address associated with hostname
>   <75>ntpclient[28638]: Unable lookup pool.ntp.org
>    This is the DHCP client renewing the junk lease, and the DHCP client

Acknowledge on "junk lease"

> script trying again with ntpclient, which still fails. Notably, this time
> there is no DNS query logged by Dnsmasq. Indeed, Dnsmasq is out to lunch at
> this point and will not be coming back.
> 7. <28>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: failed to renew DHCP, rebinding
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: expire in 3 seconds
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: sending REQUEST (xid 0xdfa6a085), next in 3.2 seconds
>   <28>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: NAK: from
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: deleting IP address
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: deleting route to
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: deleting default route via
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: executing: /etc/dhcpcd.sh NAK
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: soliciting a DHCP lease (requesting 73.###.###.56)
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: sending DISCOVER (xid 0x423103f5), next in 3.9 seconds
>   <30>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: offered 73.###.###.246 from
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: sending REQUEST (xid 0x423103f5), next in 4.0 seconds
>   <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: acknowledged 73.###.###.246 from
>    This is the DHCP client failing to renew the junk lease from the cable
> modem and instead obtaining a real lease from Comcast.

Acknowledge on "the DHCP client failing to renew".

> 8. <31>dhcpcd[82]: eth0: executing: /etc/dhcpcd.sh BOUND
>   <13>dhcp: Upstream routers: 73.###.###.1
>   <13>dhcp: Domain name: hsd1.nh.comcast.net.
>   <13>dhcp: DNS servers:
>   <13>dhcp: NTP servers: (none)
>   <75>ntpclient[28674]: Failed resolving address to hostname pool.ntp.org: No 
> address associated with hostname
>   <75>ntpclient[28674]: Unable lookup pool.ntp.org
>    This is the DHCP client script updating /tmp/resolv.conf with the real
> domain name and name servers. Notably, Dnsmasq does not notice the change in
> /tmp/resolv.conf since it is feverishly engaged in chasing its own tail.

Please elaborate  "its own tail"

> Further, you can see that ntpclient still failed to resolve pool.ntp.org
> even though the Internet connection is now up and /tmp/resolv.conf now
> specifies working upstream name servers.

Yes, that matches with what was already reported.

Other Observer
Who couldn't resist to ignore the original posting
Silence is hard to parse

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