Hi, I'm a bit confused about whether or not this is possible to do:

I have the following topology: DHCPServer --- LAN2 --- DHCPRelay --- LAN1 --- device

DCPServer is dnsmasq

DHCPRelay is a python app that I wrote

The device sends a Discover and the relay receives it and then relays this to the DHCPServer on a different subnet.  But my relay has 2 network interfaces. The DHCPServer has no route to LAN1. If the relay sets giaddr to the IP of the LAN1 interface, then a range is found, an IP is selected from that range, and the response is returned to the address of 'giaddr'. But that address is not routable on LAN2.

If I configure the DHCPRelay to set giaddr to the IP of the LAN2 interface of the relay, then DNSMasq complains that "no address range available for DHCP request via ...". I understand that DNSMasq will look for the a range that matches the giaddr address, but I was under the impression that setting option 82 with a circuitID and matching the circuit ID would override that behaviour.

This is how I try to match option 82's circuit ID, in hopes that giaddr will not be used to search for a pool



Am I  wrong? If yes, then how can this be done? Or maybe giaddr should stay the address of LAN1 but I could somehow tell the server to send back the response to the source IP that was set in the IP header? I would find it very restrictive if the dhcp server would need to have a route to all networks that it defines ranges for.

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