On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 04:54:28AM +0000, Donald Muller wrote:
> I have two networks. One is a 1GB routable network. The other is a 2.5GB
> private, non-routable network. The DHCP server (dnsmasq) is attached
> to both networks and all addresses are assigned via DHCP. The address
> on the private network all have reservations. DHCP is working fine
> and addresses are properly assigned. The issue I am having is that I
> don't want the private network to have a default gateway. Is there a
> way via DHCP to tell the client to net set a default gateway when the
> IP configuration information is sent?

Usually, if not always, goes default gateway in the reply DHCP packets.

For the "private network"  play with configuring  or a
non-existing host on that network as default gateway.

> This may or may not be a dnsmasq question/issue.

Please make it a dnsmasq thingy by reporting what works for you.

> If not, sorry for the noise.

Just transmit what you consider as a valid message
and let the recieving end decide whether it is noise.

Geert Stappers
Silence is hard to parse

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