If you were to implement this in dnsmasq, by far the best way would be to put proxy in front of dnsmasq.

The existing dnsmasq concurrency model just doesn't support the implementation. If relies on most queries happening over UDP, and the context for such queries being very minimal. Anything that happens over TCP (like TLS or HTTPs) is the opposite extreme, with a new dnsmasq process being spawned for each request. That's not scalable when you're going to run everything upstream over TCP.

Given that the preferred architecture is a proxy in front of dnsmasq, the next question is, do we have to implement that, or does it already exist? A quick Google reveals several potential candidates and the one that I've most heard people are using is dnscrypt-proxy.

I have no personal experience with dnscrypt-proxy or any of the other options, but before thinking about writing another one, I'd like to be sure that none of the existing options are suitable, and that I couldn't persuade someone else to do the work rather than making it part of the dnsmasq effort.


On 27/02/2023 18:06, Curzon Dax via Dnsmasq-discuss wrote:

I checked through the last 1-2 years of the mailing list, and I hadn't seen anything regarding DoT/DoH. If this has come up before and I missed it, apologies in advance.

Thought I'd add a feature request for DNS over TLS or DNS over HTTPS when dnsmasq is used as a DNS forwarder.

BIND is about to implement this in the next version, and I believe Windows DNS is the last to the party among the other major DNS recursors/forwarders.

I realize that this could add considerable size, scope, and complexity to something which is inherently light weight and used on a lot of embedded devices with very minimal storage. Perhaps something optional at build time to avoid bundling large libraries/dependencies. embed-TLS could be something to look at to ensure this feature could be built on very-low-storage, embedded devices.

I know that many embedded devices (modems/routers) have some form of an SSL library already, as many offer admin control over https://.

If there is interest by the developers/maintainers, perhaps we could make a call for financial support from the major recursive providers (Google, Quad9, Cloudflare, etc). I know a few of the DNS folks at these organizations, and while I'm not making any promises or claims, it's something I'd be happy to reach out to them about.

Thanks in advance.

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