I think ideally we should have a commit hook checking no empty line has not been added. Ideally prepared to use for all client preparing patches. They should be warned before even attempt to send a patch here. We should refuse such patches.

Is there a set of tools or command you have used, which could be prepared into client side commit hook? Ideally activated when person just clones official repository.

More on https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Customizing-Git-Git-Hooks

On 17/11/2024 07:57, Geert Stappers wrote:
On Sun, Nov 10, 2024 at 10:53:02AM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
[PATCH] Removed empty trailing lines

Because there is no information in empty trailing lines.
  FAQ                                          | 11 -----------
  bld/get-version                              |  1 -
  bld/install-mo                               |  2 --
  contrib/CPE-WAN/README                       |  2 --
  contrib/Solaris10/README                     |  1 -
  contrib/conntrack/README                     |  1 -
  contrib/dbus-test/dbus-test.py               |  1 -
  contrib/lease-access/README                  |  2 --
  contrib/lease-tools/dhcp_lease_time.1        |  2 --
  contrib/lease-tools/dhcp_release.1           |  2 --
  contrib/lease-tools/dhcp_release6.1          |  2 --
  contrib/port-forward/dnsmasq-portforward     |  2 --
  contrib/port-forward/portforward             |  1 -
  contrib/reverse-dns/README                   |  1 -
  contrib/reverse-dns/reverse_replace.sh       |  1 -
  contrib/slackware-dnsmasq/dnsmasq.SlackBuild |  1 -
  contrib/static-arp/static-arp                |  1 -
  contrib/systemd/README                       |  2 --
  contrib/systemd/dbus_activation              |  1 -
  contrib/try-all-ns/README                    |  1 -
  contrib/try-all-ns/dnsmasq-2.68-try-all-ns   |  1 -
  contrib/wrt/README                           |  5 -----
  contrib/wrt/lease_update.sh                  |  5 -----
  dbus/DBus-interface                          |  1 -
  dbus/dnsmasq.conf                            |  1 -
  doc.html                                     |  1 -
  logo/README                                  |  5 -----
  man/dnsmasq.8                                |  2 --
  src/domain-match.c                           |  1 -
  src/metrics.c                                |  1 -
  30 files changed, 61 deletions(-)

If there is information in the empty trailing lines, say so.  Expressing
other possible reasons for keeping the empty lines is also good.

Geert Stappers

Petr Menšík
Software Engineer, RHEL
Red Hat, https://www.redhat.com/
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