On Fri, Jan 3, 2025 at 7:51 AM Chris Novakovic <ch...@chrisn.me.uk> wrote:
> On 03/01/2025 10:40, Lluís Batlle i Rossell wrote:
> > here is a patch I used to be able to netboot Raspberry Pi (2B in my case).
> > Their bootcode.bin expects a proxy DHCP like for PXE, but it doesn't want a
> > filename+sname/tftp_name to fetch a file, but instead it requests DHCP
> > Option 66 (TFTP Server) to try to download a wide set of files.
> I don't understand why this patch is necessary - I've netbooted a range
> of Raspberry Pis (3B, 3B+, 4B), both with and without proxy DHCP, using
> the options that currently exist in Dnsmasq. The most important one is
> dhcp-option=option:tftp-server,<TFTP_IP>

I don't use that.
I do use

pxe-service=0,"Raspberry Pi Boot"

> where <TFTP_IP> is the IP address of either the TFTP server if proxy
> DHCP is being used or the interface on which Dnsmasq is responding to
> the DHCP discover message if not. Dnsmasq won't advertise the TFTP
> server in DHCP offers even if its TFTP server function is enabled, but a
> suitable dhcp-option line in the Dnsmasq configuration will suffice - it
> shouldn't be necessary to force the TFTP server to be advertised (with
> dhcp-option-force) because IIRC the Raspberry Pi boot ROM always
> requests it in its discover message.
> To netboot old (<= 3B+) Raspberry Pis you'll also need
> dhcp-reply-delay=1

Thanks for that.  I hope this is the cause for a mystery problem that
seems to come and go for no particular reason.  won't hurt to try

> to compensate for a bug in the boot ROM that causes DHCP responses to be
> lost if they're sent too soon after the request. You can gate both of
> these options being included in DHCP offers using tags that are set
> based either on the MAC address (dhcp-mac) for <= 3B+ devices or on the
> DHCP client ID for >= 4B devices.
> The Dnsmasq instance being used as the TFTP server just requires TFTP to
> be enabled, and a suitable TFTP root containing bootcode.bin et al to be
> set:
> enable-tftp
> tftp-root=/path/to/tftp/root
> It might be desirable to serve different TFTP files for each device, in
> which case
> tftp-unique-root=mac
> can be used for <= 3B+ devices - the bootloader firmware for >= 4B
> devices already has this capability, it just needs to be enabled in the
> bootloader configuration.

How can I have
for pi
for others?

that doesn't involve me inventorying all my pi's mac or serial numbers.

> Best wishes,
> Chris
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