At Fri, 6 Jul 2007 11:45:25 -0400 (EDT), Dean Anderson wrote:
> I would like to have the WG discuss taking up my draft 
> (draft-anderson-reverse-dns-status) as a WG document.
> Thanks,
>               --Dean

<hat wg-co-chair="on">

  Per Dean's request, I asked those WG participants who were present
  at the Chicago meeting two questions:

  Q1) How many had read Dean's draft?

  A1) 12 people claimed to have read Dean's draft.

  Q2) Of those who had read Dean's draft, how many supported adoption as
      of Dean's draft as a WG document instead of

  A2) Nobody present in the room supported adoption of Dean's draft.

  As with any decision made at a face to face meeting this is not
  official until confirmed on the mailing list.  So if there is anyone

  1) Has read Dean's draft, and

  2) Supports WG adoption of Dean's draft,

  please speak up.  The chairs will assume that Dean himself has read
  and supports his own draft.  Anybody else?

  Silence will be taken as confirmation of the tentitive decision from
  the face to face meeting, as will off-topic postings.  So if you
  want the WG to adopt this draft, please say so calmly and

  Cut-off for this confirmation call will be 00:00:00 UTC on 19 August
  2007.  This is longer than I would ordinarily wait for a
  confirmation call, but many people take holidays in August, and Dean
  has done the right thing here by offering the WG an alternative
  draft for consideration rather than just complaining about the draft
  that he opposes, so I want to make sure that Dean's alternative
  draft gets a fair chance.


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