Mark Andrews wrote:

        It's been done.  IT DOES NOT WORK.  named has code to prevent
        the records being added because IT DOES NOT WORK and we got
        sick and tired of telling people who ran up against sites
        that did it that IT DOES NOT WORK.  It's better to prevent than
        to spend repeated amounts of time dealing with the repercussions.
Can't we make it work? I appreciate your honesty. But there are other dns packages that do allow it. I'm looking for the flexibility to extra-zone so i can manage root traffic in bind. Its obvious root get bugus traffic - i advocate a traffic can to send those bogus tlds too. I would love an AS112 stop sign. That also eliinate the legal liability to me as a commercial operator of root.

        It's easy to remove the checks but then you need to make sure
        all clients will work with the resultant mess.
It already is a mess. has been for years. What we are doing is fixing the mess using AS112. I know alot of root operators who would welcome that friendly terminator for wayward traffic. But I need bind to terminate *. NS. I feel sorry it does not.

        Wildcard is defined for intra-zone use.  It is not defined
        for extra-zone use.
Lets define it. Just call it experimental. or something convenient. i think its needed for root services. I am told it works under Dr. Bernstein's named daemon. I still have not tested that myself. But will eventually. I pray it is the case. Any root operator would welcome a trash can for bogus traffic.

and its christmas time.  what a wonderful gift.

joe baptista

Joe Baptista                      
PublicRoot Consortium
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 Office: +1 (202) 517-1593
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