On Aug 16, 2008, at 4:56 PM, Dean Anderson wrote:
For example, besides the previously mentioned key rollover
issue, I understand that DNSSEC also doesn't allow the protocol to be
changed securely.  And we do expect the protocol to be changed.

As a non-expert in DNSSEC, I have to admit that I am not aware of an expectation that the protocol will change. Can you expand on this? Also, is there a way to build the protocol so that it can be changed securely? I would think that the way this would happen would be that the resolver would ask different, or additional, questions. Does the current protocol preclude that?

The hype surrounding the Kaminsky report is unjustified.  For example,
one can't steal bank information with this attack, as the mainstream
press has reported.

This isn't true, because if I can convince you that a naive user that he or she is talking to your bank, I can get them to enter their information into a web page that isn't protected by SSL.

Alternatively, I can find a server that has a valid SSL cert, crack it, set up a redirect that sends the user's password through that server. They wind up doing an SSL-validated transaction that appears to be completely fine, but is not. Since I've suborned an existing server, even once the hack is discovered, if it is, it can't be traced back to me through the SSL cert trust chain.

It's true that some modifications to the browser would mitigate this, but those modifications would go against current practice - it's not uncommon for authentication to go through some kind of cross-site redirect. So there is a risk that if browsers were modified to do this, people would disable the feature.

Furthermore, since preventing this attack depends on changes to browsers, such changes would only protect those people who routinely upgrade their browsers; unfortunately, those are the same people who are least likely to be fooled by an attack like this in the first place.

So while I realize that there has been a lot of theatre around the Kaminsky attack, I have to say that it still seems very credible to me.

There has been some assertions that SMTP anti-spam security depends on
DNS security. These schemes don't hold water. In 2003, I showed that the
information theory result that no communication system can be proven
free of covert channels implies that no communication system can be
designed 'spam-free'.

I think you carry this argument a bit farther than is justified. It's probably true that no security system can be perfect. Locks don't keep out determined lock pickers. They certainly don't keep out people with fire axes. But they do raise the cost of entry.

That's what a good computer security system does too. That's the goal of DNSSEC. Of course DNSSEC is still crackable, and of course people will imagine that it is not, in much the same way that they place too much trust in locks. The question is, are they better off with the lock, or without it. I don't think you've really spoken to that question here.

I also seem to recall some claims that DNSSEC can create more
opportunity for cryptographic DOS attacks on DNS servers.  Can anyone
speak to that?

You could definitely DoS a validating resolver by asking too many questions. To the extent that people do that, it seems likely that the point of validation will move closer and closer to the end-user. So to me this seems like a problem whose solution actually improves security, and therefore it's kind of problem we'd like to have. But you're right that it's a problem.

In practice, I expect that the way DNSSEC resolvers will be deployed initially is that people will install them on their own computers. The same caching resolvers may be used, since DNSSEC works through caching resolvers. So the infrastructure won't change much, and the early adopters won't suffer from the DoS problem.

However, if part of the deployment involves putting DNSSEC-validating resolvers in the DNS caching servers, then there will be an opportunity for DoS attacks, and so deployments of that type will have to be done very carefully.

However, I think the fear of this particular sort of attack isn't substantial enough to justify not signing the root zone or the TLDs. As I understand it, preventing cryptographic DoS attacks on authoritative name servers is one of the key features of the current DNSSEC architecture. But as I say, I'm not an expert, so if I'm wrong about this I'd like to hear why.

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