bert hubert wrote:
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 04:34:30PM +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
and let's also make explicit that TCP is not to be used unless UDP returns
TC or unless QTYPE=AXFR or unless UDP QTYPE=IXFR returned only one SOA.

This means disabling one of the more widely used MTAs.

Could you please elaborate on this? Which MTA, how does it use DNS, and is the way it uses it intractable?

It may require some work to beef up TCP support though,

The problem, I think, is TCP itself, not TCP support within implementations. E.g. resource limits per IP address (16 bits of port number) don't scale to current-size Internet scale.

So, short of dramatic changes to TCP that support better scalability and performance, it's kind of out of scope for DNS itself.

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