
On 18.03.2009, at 17:37, TSG wrote:

Peter Koch wrote:
Dear WG,

this is to initiate a working group last call on

       "Requirements for Management of Name Servers for the DNS"

Peter - I notice that the standards don't say anything about the EU's Data Integrity Directive which in fact will effect the operations of all public content systems including the DNS servers which are operated in the EU. Why was this never designed into the spec is interesting since the specification may "by law not be used in about 1/3 of the populated world now" without that consideration being in place.
I'm not sure where you get the numbers, but the EU's population is around 499 million, the worlds population is 6700 million, to me that makes roughly 8%. Also every EU directive has to be set into law by the member states, and in that case at least in the federal system of germany and austria this had to be done by the states. So the rough count I had this directive has been passed into 46 different laws, of course in different languages. Are you going to check them all?

Of course operators in the respective legislations are required to obey to the law, and working for an pan european ISP I can tell you that this is not easy sometimes, because law differs from country to country, but we still provide services based on the standards set bey the IETF. These have to be technically sound but IMHO it is not the task of this working group to see if they, or to be more precise implementation of these standards may impose legal risks in certain countries.

I know the implementation of this directive in germany (Bundes/ Landesdatenschutzgesetz for the germans around here) and I can not see how it would apply to this draft, then of course IANAL.

So long
Ralf Weber
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