In message <>, Roy Arends writes:
> On Sep 10, 2009, at 9:17 PM, David Conrad wrote:
> > The issue is that ISC harvests data from the ITAR and they didn't  
> > synch the change submitted by PR to the ITAR.
> Indeed.
> DLV registries that choose to sync with ITARs should do that  
> regularly. Synching once a week is ridiculously low.
> Why should the operators of PR care about this DLV? What if some other  
> DLV decides to synch with itar once a month? How does PR or some other  
> registry with keys in ITAR know which DLV synch's how often with what  
> TAR?
> The problem is DLV. Not ITAR. Not PR.

Actually there is blame all round.

PR for not performing a key rollover correctly.  They still havn't
updated their own web site <> so
there will be people who haven't been informed yet.

        trusted-keys {
        "pr." 256 3 5
        "BQEAAAABvS8Q64q8v62DW3y4EtUmsHr0dpU9Mizo63NXFMlEA4UaO88s B5il79Mb
        J0dzmRZ7M+j/E5pVSTTazJsK6LMnncBF3bwMWo4/nVVB0d9E 6CsClsJFU+A0a8kWI
        Z+aXuqUHO7QZ88qG7cwLbTNwHeo1X+ArvXgXmU6 OaemL3v5+eU=";

        "pr." 257 3 5 
        "AwEAAc6SkFSHw00wJFUWd1Td/efsxhfX+UTrxrzqQXNuZ8Qj2PiP6p/m BxysJt06
        XgSCB41CPhkgvgqrtdaJ/hXKG81xNXUcGfqvV9wYMJnN+oBB /lLaQU/39fWaNc4fB
        GiRI2dNDVKPry2YX6y04YrEGRM+wf6HWHVdW1Js xuMuDOSr";

ITAR for not publishing a polling interval.   I would recommend
that it be in line with the TTL that they are going to use on the
DS records.  I would expect this to be 1-2 days.

ISC for having a highish polling interval.  I've recommending that
ISC drops the poll interval down to 1 hour which is inline with the
TTL of the DLV record.

ISC needs to make sure its polling interval of the ITAR + DLV TTL
is less than the maximim ITAR polling interval so that no extra
delay is added.


> Roy
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