> -----Original Message-----
> From: dnsop-boun...@ietf.org [mailto:dnsop-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf
> Of Olaf Kolkman
> Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:42 AM
> To: dnsop WG
> Subject: Re: [DNSOP] HSMs was Re: I-D Action:draft-ietf-dnsop-
> rfc4641bis-01.txt
> In trying to get a reasonable version 2 out of the door before Anaheim
> I am trying to identify and where possibly close open issues.
> As a reminder: http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-
> issues/ has the open issues listed and a per issue highlight of their
> history.
> This thread, about the use of HSMs, is captured in
> http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/svn/rfc4641bis/trunk/open-issues/HSMs the
> content of that page is replicated below.
> I believe I captured the gist of the discussion in a modified version
> of paragraph 3.6 (see below). The first two paragraphs are not
> modified, the text starting with "The ideal situation" has been.
> I welcome editorial comments off-list.
> If the chair believes the current text captures consensus I will move
> this issue to the closed issues list.
> --Olaf
> $Id: cryptography_flawed 14 2009-02-09 18:54:12Z olaf $
> 20100121
>    The use of HSMs
>    Shane Kerr/Ed Lewis
>    Added: 21 jan 2010
>    http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/dnsop/current/msg07190.html
>    and
>    http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/dnsop/current/msg07193.html
>    The recommendation to use a HSM is far to strong. Arguments of fate
> sharing
>    and operational overhead are being made on the list.

I agree, but I am a strong believer in market driven decisions so, yes, 
encouraging people to make their own decisions is my preference too.
However I will say that even using a $5 HSM (in the form of a smartcard) forces 
certain good IT security practices.  The guys that developed this industry have 
really though through process.

May be out of scope but: Trust in the KSK must still be earned through various 
mechanisms like publicly documented processes, 3rd party auditing, external 
witnesses, key ceremonies.

> Discussion:
>       From:   Shane Kerr <sh...@ca.afilias.info>
>       Subject:        Re: [DNSOP] I-D Action:draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc4641bis-
> 01.txt
>       Date:   April 21, 2009 1:03:58 PM GMT+02:00
>       Cc:     dnsop WG <dnsop@ietf.org>
> I believe the key of the thread is captured in the following quotes:
> Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:
> >
> > But the risk for the key is not only people modifying it, it is
> simply
> > people *reading* it (a concern which also exists for the database but
> > is much less important).
> >
> > I have no practical experience with HSMs but, in my mind, the
> > interesting thing is that they guarantee noone will read the key
> > without an authorization (that's quite unlike the database where you
> > certainly prefer a few unauthorized looks to a complete loss).

Agreed.  Read or in the case of an infrequently used KSK (low number of ZSK 
rolls) - make use of the key.

> This is the key point IMHO.
> AIUI, the attack vector that HSM are designed to protect is that
> someone makes a copy of your key signing material without you knowing
> about it.
> Once they do that, they can spoof replies until such time as you roll
> your key.
> If an unauthorized person modifies the contents of the database backing
> your zone, you may or may not know about it, but an observant customer
> will at least notice that the data has changed.
> So the two are not totally equivalent.
> Having said that, I agree that HSM hysteria is a bit overblown, and
> that the actual DNSSEC signing is very, very unlikely to be the weakest
> link in DNS security in any organization.



Below looks good.  Take my suggestion or leave it. It is only a minor point and 
might be implemented on a secured o/s as well.

> Resolution:
> Following the suggestion from:
>       From:   Peter Koch <p...@denic.de>
>       Subject:        Re: [DNSOP] HSMs was Re: I-D Action:draft-ietf-dnsop-
> rfc4641bis-01.txt
>       Date:   April 27, 2009 1:19:45 PM GMT+02:00
>       To:     IETF DNSOP WG <dnsop@ietf.org>
> I rewrote the text to highlight the economic tradeoff, the relevant
> part of section 3.6 is copied below.
> 3.6.  Private Key Storage
>    It is recommended that, where possible, zone private keys and the
>    zone file master copy that is to be signed be kept and used in off-
>    line, non-network-connected, physically secure machines only.
>    Periodically, an application can be run to add authentication to a
>    zone by adding RRSIG and NSEC RRs.  Then the augmented file can be
>    transferred.
>    When relying on dynamic update to manage a signed zone [11], be
> aware
>    that at least one private key of the zone will have to reside on the
>    master server.  This key is only as secure as the amount of exposure
>    the server receives to unknown clients and the security of the host.
>    Although not mandatory, one could administer the DNS in the
> following
>    way.  The master that processes the dynamic updates is unavailable
>    from generic hosts on the Internet, it is not listed in the NS
> RRSet,
>    although its name appears in the SOA RRs MNAME field.  The
>    nameservers in the NS RRSet are able to receive zone updates through
>    NOTIFY, IXFR, AXFR, or an out-of-band distribution mechanism.  This
>    approach is known as the "hidden master" setup.
>    The ideal situation is to have a one-way information flow to the
>    network to avoid the possibility of tampering from the network.
>    Keeping the zone master file on-line on the network and simply
>    cycling it through an off-line signer does not do this.  The on-line
>    version could still be tampered with if the host it resides on is
>    compromised.  For maximum security, the master copy of the zone file
>    should be off-net and should not be updated based on an unsecured
>    network mediated communication.
>    The ideal situation may not be achievable because of economic
>    tradeoffs between risks and costs.  For instance, keeping a zone
> file
>    off-line is not practical and will increase the costs of operating a
>    DNS zone.  So in practice the machines on which zone files are
>    maintained will be connected to a network.  Operators are advised to
>    take security measures to shield unauthorized access to the master
>    copy in order to prevent modification of DNS data before its signed.
>    Similarly the choice for storing a private key in a Cryptographic
>    Hardware Security Module (HSM) will be influenced by tradeoff a
>    tradeoff between various concerns:
>    o  The risks that an unauthorized person has unnoticed read-access
> to

, or can sign with,

>       the private key
>    o  The remaining window of opportunity for the attacker.
>    o  The economic impact of the possible attacks (for a TLD that
> impact
>       will in most cases be higher than for an individual users).
>    o  The costs of rolling the (compromised) keys: whereby the costs of
>       roling a ZSK is lowest and the costs of rolling a KSK that is in
>       wide use as a trust anchor is highest
>    o  The costs of buying and maintaining an HSM.
>    For dynamically updated secured zones [11], both the master copy and
>    the private key that is used to update signatures on updated RRs
> will
>    need to be on-line.
> ________________________________________________________
> Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
>                                        Science Park 140,
> http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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