On 19 Oct 2010, at 09:26, Johan Ihren wrote:

We see the following three paths forward:

A. "Improvements should always be incorporated, even in the light of further
delays". This is also known as the "This Time For Sure"-alternative.

B. "Better to publish what we have and initiate work on a -bis document immediately. Also known as the "Perfect is the Enemy of Timely"- alternative.

C. Drop it. If it isn't sufficiently cooked after getting on for three years, then perhaps it
s/after three years/after getting on for three years/

is either a case of bad ingredients, or incompetent chefs. Also known as
the "This Parrot Is Dead"-alternative.

I vote for B. This document is by definition something that will never be complete. so publish now and revise/update later in light of new experience. It does not make sense IMO to strive for the perfect all- singing, all-dancing release with a "just one more heave" attitude. I hope we've all realised that after the many "with this corner case fixed, DNSSEC will be done in 6 months" issues.
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