> From: "John L. Crain" <john.cr...@icann.org>
> Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2010 09:51:45 -0800
> Why would we do this, who gains by adding this?
> I don't see the benefit.

i think it's so that folks can refuse e-mail from domains under N days
old where N is a local policy decision.  i have no direct use for it so
i'm sort of guessing here.

> Was the use case outlined?

no.  i'm guessing it's a way to do <http://www.support-intelligence.com/dob/>
that does not require downloading TLD zone files every day and diffing them.


noting that the race to register domains as fast as possible and as many
of them as possible has primarily benefitted spammers not their victims, the
good guys have built a magnificient system whose highest and best use is
against our own interests, and that kind of folly produces requests such as
this one -- stuff that in a better overall system would not be asked for.

less controversially, the data is already public, the question is
whether a standard dns schema as another interface into this public data
would be useful to enough people.  as to whether some registries might be
forced to support it when they don't see a need, that's a governance
question not a technology question, and it is: is more transparency better?

re: http://www.circleid.com/posts/20100728_taking_back_the_dns/#7331
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