Edward Lewis <ed.le...@neustar.biz> writes:

[Ed's well written and long thoughts about transfer issues removed]

Security vs operational practice has always been a contention.  Security
purists want the strictest of controls so that nothing can ever be
stolen, misused, abused, modified, etc.  They'd use 4-factor
authentication if they could get away with it (something you have,
something you know, something you are and something from another time
and another galaxy that's amazingly hard to retrieve).  I admit, when I
lean, I lean this direction.

But I've also done enough operational work in my life to know that in an
ideally secure world where security is the only metric, nothing would
get done.  You can't leave the lead box and certainly penetrating wires
wouldn't be permitted through it.  But the internet itself was founded
at the opposite end of the spectrum: purely concerned with operational
practice.  There was no need to secure IP, DNS, BGP, telnet, imap, etc.
Security is often an afterthought, because the first thought is *always*
"can we get it up and running quickly?".  Not, "can we get it up and
running quickly and securely?".  Primarily because "quick security" is
an oxymoron.

So, as always: we're left with a need to make a balanced decision.
Which is better: multi-factor authentication or real-world operational
practice.  Or something in between.  I'll agree with you that by forcing
a user over TLS to make any DS changes in the parent, you're
functionally adding a second authentication form: (a really badly
implemented, ad-laden, web login subject to password database theft and
social engineering...  but still a second authentication form).  Or is
it?  Really it's "a different form".

> If the KSK was exposed, then a forged CDS might pass as real and the
> registrant can loose control of the zone - because only one factor was
> involved and the one factor was gamed.

If your password gets stolen, guessed, entropied away (yes, that's a
verb; shut up spell checker), socialized, etc then you're just as
vulnerable to a take over as if a fake CDS was inserted.  It's still
only "one factor", unless your registar requires two factors itself to
log in (and most certainly don't).  And the key/password bits needed to
log in to your registrar are likely smaller than the entropy used to
sign your zone.  And the registrar login data is usually stored in two
places: their data base and on your post-it note.

Plus, as a colleague of ours frequently likes to iterate "Protecting
your DNS keys with uber-security and not protecting the DNS data source
itself buys you nothing -- Russ Mundy.  Ish; I don't think he'd use 'uber'"
If you have lost control of your zone enough that someone has inserted a
CDS record, they can also insert a new KSK or ZSK to forge records
with.  So denying them the ability to publish a CDS record doesn't
really prevent things anyway.

But all of this brings me back to my starting point: security vs
operation.  It's not up to us to decide which zones are so critical that
they should never be allowed to use CDS records because they must
physical visit their registar with 5 forms of authentication (#5 being
star dust from Justin Bieber's head to prove you have the right to
modify JustinBieber.com).  It's not up to us to deny an operator of 100k
zones the ability to roll keys on a regular basis because it's easy to
do and his organization has a high administrative turnover rate (Justin
Bieber fan club (TM)).

It's not up to us to give them absolute security or operational
mandates.  It's up to us to give them the tools so they can make the
choices themselves for their environment.  It takes the registrar and
the registrant to want to publish a CDS for it to be used.  Either one
can decide they would prefer to use the ad-laden web page login because
it's more secure or it has pretty pictures of Justin Bieber in a
skin-tight racing suit.

CDS is at least a decent middle ground that offers a middle point in the
balance equation.  It provides a decent point where security and
operational practice might be at the top of the tradeoff bubble.  And,
that's why we have operational and security sections in RFCs in the
first place: to document concerns and let the real world make their
decisions based on that discussion.
Wes Hardaker
DNSOP mailing list

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