When DNS code points are issued based on the request template
        the wire and presentation values are supposed to be fixed.

        URI was issued against draft-faltstrom-uri-05/06.  The wire
        format has been changed in draft-faltstrom-uri-08 in
        particular how the target field is encoded.

        named implemented URI as per draft-faltstrom-uri-05/06
        unbound implemented URI as per draft-faltstrom-uri-08

        We now have two incompatible implementations in the wild.

        We are going to change named to implement draft-faltstrom-uri-08.
        The changes were just committed and will be available in
        the upcoming maintainence releases.

        I would suggest that IANA update or otherwise make a note
        that the wire encoding is that from draft-faltstrom-uri-08
        or else there will be future incompatibilities.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE:  +61 2 9871 4742                  INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

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