ebersman> So your grand scheme is

vixie> decorum?

No objections here if you succeed. :)

ebersman> ... to limit who can get v6 PTRs and that will be the new
ebersman> standard of whether or now you're tall enough to send email
ebersman> with the big boys?

vixie> yes.

Well, for my $DAYJOB, that's certainly something we support. As someone
who runs my own mail server and knows other small businesses who do as
well, I'm still hoping we can come up with a better system that lets
some of the smaller players in too.

ebersman> How about we admit that PTRs as a measure of trust and
ebersman> reputation is broken to begin with and won't scale or
ebersman> magically work better for v6 than v4? Let's come up with a
ebersman> better solution(s).

vixie> i think we're on the same page, actually. where we're still far
vixie> apart is in our understandings of how things work today, in other
vixie> words, what status quo are we living with; and also, whether and
vixie> in what direction we can change it.

I'm happy to be educated or corrected by hard facts. And I agree we
probably ultimately want the same thing: email that is more signal than
noise to mail servers.

Getting back to this draft, I think there is enough value in enumerating
the challenges and tradeoffs of doing some kind of v6 PTRs to try to get
the draft out soon. Plenty of folks (including $DAYJOB) want something
short term that doesn't break anything and looks/smells somewhat like
what we already have in v4. No argument that a better solution here long
term would be welcome too; I just don't want folks to have another
excuse not to roll out v6 now.

As for a grander scheme to clean up the PTR space, do you agree that
breaking that out into a separate draft is more productive?

It does seem to make sense to mention that folks doing the $GENERATE
equiv will get the same short shrift from the anti-spam folks that the
v4 PTRs get currently.

Any other comments/additions to this draft?

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