On 18 Aug 2016, at 7:19, Matthew Pounsett wrote:

On 18 August 2016 at 01:33, william manning <chinese.apri...@gmail.com>

please help me get over the feeling that this argument is founded on the same logic as that used by folks who "know" I might want, no NEED that extra bit of email in my inbox. As I read it, it sounds like DNS Server
Spam being "PUSHED" to the Resolver who may or may not want the data.

Pure hyperbole.

Disagree: partial hyperbole.

If a client is given a delegation today, you don't complain because glue is

Agree. But...

It's necessary for the obvious next step.

There is a difference between "don't complain" and "needed". I would not complain about an Additional with AAAA for an A request, or vice versa. However, I would complain about "A of our advertising partner because I think you are about to render an HTML page".

We already have
other records (e.g. SRV) which is many cases have data which are useless without a followup query. In what way is it like spam to supply those data
with the original query?

If I'm making an SRV query, I know I can ask for ("pull" in Tim's wording) additional info.

Are there QTYPEs that, when I ask for them, I won't know that I should also ask for the related info?

--Paul Hoffman

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