In message <>
, william manning writes:
> Unfortunately we are no longer in the early days of the Internet AND the
> IETF has no business in enforcing compliance with our protocol standards.
> That's for the zone operators to do.  We are not the dns police.  Even Paul
> mocapetris has called for more innovation in the dns space.   We must not
> presume there is just one way to do things.

If the IETF was setting servers that went and checked DNS servers
and informed the operators then the IETF would be in the business
of enforcing protocols.  At this stage I don't see the IETF doing
that nor is this document asking the IETF to do that.

The is a difference between innovation and not exercising care /

Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS flag you don't understand
is not innovation.

Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS option you don't understand
is not innovation.

Returing FORMERR because you see a EDNS version you don't understand
is not innovation.

If there was anything innovative in what I'm seeing I'd be all for
it but there isn't.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET:

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