> On Mar 21, 2017, at 21:30 , Lanlan Pan <abby...@gmail.com> wrote:
> See this example of ECS : Which CDNs support edns-client-subnet?  
> <https://www.cdnplanet.com/blog/which-cdns-support-edns-client-subnet/>, they 
> map the ECS client subnet into the geolocation (what EIL give), and then make 
> DNS decision. Because on AUTH side, they do not so care about each client 
> subnet, but configure on aerial view geolocation level

That’s a fundamental assumption of your proposal. What I’m offering (and I 
think what Warren said as well) is that it’s not true. The authoritative server 
will likely care as much or more about the subnet as it does the geo location.

The geo location only is fine for smaller networks or CDNs. Consider for 
example several pops in one city or region with differing peering connections 
in each pop.

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