One of the two drafts I wanted to talk about at dnsop today for WG
adoption was "Serving Stale Data to Improve DNS Resiliency":

In short, this describes a method for increasing DNS resiliency by
treating the inability to refresh data after TTL expiration as a soft
error, eventually becoming a hard error if the authoritative server
failures are not remedied.

This basic algorithm has been in use at Akamai for six years now and
helped us avoid numerous incidents.  I'd implemented it in BIND and
the patches were recently contributed to ISC.

There are relevant patents in the area held by Google and
Akamai/Xerocole.  I'm still waiting for the official statement from
Akamai lawyers about it, but given that we contributed to the code to
ISC for release under the Mozilla Public License I don't expect any
really issue here.

Warren and I are hoping for WG adoption.

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