On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 03:36:40PM +0100, Tony Finch wrote:
> Chris Thompson just mentioned to me another reason for dropping support
> for RSAMD5: it uses a different DNSKEY tag calculation, which implies that
> dropping support should simplify validators more than dropping other
> algorithms.

To be clear, for the benfit of those not in the room yesterday, I do *not*
object to deprecating RSAMD5, I agree with the "MUST NOT" in the signer
column, and that it's pointless to support it in new validator

My problem is with elevating "pointless" to the force of a "MUST NOT".  I
think it should be reduced in force to "OPTIONAL", "NOT RECOMMENDED", or
even "SHOULD NOT".  Kill it on the supply side.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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