> On Jul 8, 2018, at 9:35 PM, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> So what if it is not feasible for COM and similarly sized zones?
> At the moment we have one zone where we need a zone signature so that the 
> zone contents can be loaded into every recursive server.
> The question we should be asking is "Is SIG(AXFR) a good fit for the root 
> zone?” not whether is is a good mechanism for all zones because quite frankly 
> there are very few zones that you would want loaded into all recursive 
> servers.
> “.”, “arpa”, “in-addr.arpa” and “ip6.arpa” would be about it.  Does anyone 
> else have any others?  Any zone would necessarily be small. 
> Mark

So the followup question is 
Should we burden the Auth Server implementations with this calculation if the 
usage case if 4 zones ? 
or is this better handled by external tools ?
DNS Camel says ? 


>> On 9 Jul 2018, at 10:28 am, Olafur Gudmundsson <o...@ogud.com> wrote:
>>> On Jun 22, 2018, at 6:58 AM, Petr Špaček <petr.spa...@nic.cz> wrote:
>>> On 21.6.2018 22:31, Hugo Salgado-Hernández wrote:
>>>> On 22:09 21/06, Shane Kerr wrote:
>>>>>> Dne 1.6.2018 v 12:51 Shane Kerr napsal(a):
>>>>>> Hmm, can you share some details about your experience?
>>>>>> Did you find out when the data corruption took place?
>>>>>> a) network transfer
>>>>>> b) implementation bugs (e.g. incorrectly received IXFR)
>>>>>> c) on disk
>>>>>> d) some other option?
>>>>> I don't know. I have seen incorrectly transferred zone files both in
>>>>> BIND
>>>>> and NSD slaves. IIRC our solution was to include sentinel records in
>>>>> the
>>>>> zone files to spot problems, take the node out of service, and force a
>>>>> re-transfer. This of course won't work if you are slaving zones that
>>>>> you do
>>>>> not control, and it doesn't prevent a small window of time when the
>>>>> servers
>>>>> are operating with broken zones. TSIG was being used.
>>>> We have also seen broken transfers between secondaries. Our solution
>>>> is to dump the zone after transfer, calculate a hash and compare. We
>>>> would benefit from having a ZONEMD record inside the zone.
>>> If the zone got broken during TSIG-secured transfer then it was not most
>>> probably not caused by network problem because TSIG would have caught that.
>>> Honestly I do not think it is worth the effort because all the
>>> complexity does not help to prevent implementation bugs, I would say it
>>> even increases probability of a bug!
>>> What is left is bug on auth and/or slave sides and in that case there is
>>> no guarantee that
>>> a) master did not compute ZONEMD from already broken data
>>> b) slave verification of ZONEMD actually works
>>> If we wanted to catch problems with implementation we need something
>>> which is outside of the DNS stack we are attempting to check, be is
>>> simple checksum or some fancier crypto.
>>> I can easily imagine OPENPGPKEY RR located at _zonefile.apex.example
>>> node and an utility which would extract OPENPGPKEY RR from the zone file
>>> and verify that the zone file signature (either detached or in .gpg
>>> file) can be verified using that key (+ add DNSSEC into the mix if you
>>> wish).
>>> -- 
>>> Petr Špaček  @  CZ.NIC
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>>> DNSOP mailing list
>>> DNSOP@ietf.org
>>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dnsop
>> +1 
>> I spent lots of time earlier this century along with Johan Ihren trying to 
>> figure out how to 
>> secure the transfer of a particular zone (the root) to any resolver. 
>> The only sane way is to not transfer the zone over AXFR as any intermediary 
>> can mess with the zone contents mostly in the case of “glue” records,
>> thus transferring the zone over HTTPS or RSYNC with a PGP signature over the 
>> zone file is the only viable solution going forward. 
>> Historical background: SIG(AXFR) was rejected because it required putting 
>> the zone into canonical order and calculating the signature, 
>> in the case of dynamic update this is a real expensive operation, thus we 
>> got rid of it. 
>> Olafur
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>> DNSOP mailing list
>> DNSOP@ietf.org
>> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/dnsop
> -- 
> Mark Andrews, ISC
> 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
> PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742              INTERNET: ma...@isc.org

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