Dave Lawrence writes:
> Count me as another, for that very reason.  When I first saw Paul's
> message I thought, "oh that's a shame" but figured it to be fairly
> set.  If there's flexibility for making the meeting happen earlier in
> the week, I'd be interested.

Following up to my own message, since this was further down in my box
on another list...

------- start of forwarded message (RFC 934 encapsulation) -------
From: Paul Hoffman <paul.hoff...@icann.org>
Subject: Re: [ksk-rollover] Informal meeting at IETF 103
To: "ksk-rollo...@icann.org" <ksk-rollo...@icann.org>

Based on some requests from folks who are leaving the IETF meeting
early, I have also reserved a meeting room for 1600-1700 Wednesday
afternoon (local time), Pagoda Room on the 4th floor.

And just to emphasize: the purpose of this week's informal gatherings is
to let folks in the IETF community chat about their ideas in front of
other IETFers. This is similar to the KSK-related mic lines at the
DNS-OARC and RIPE meetings a few weeks ago. These IETF side-meetings
really are just slightly-better-organized hallway discussions. Given the
wide range of proposals we have already heard, it is good to get a bit
of face-to-face sharing going early.

We won't start formal planning about the KSK futures until after the
rollover process is complete*. When we do, we'll do it in discussion
environments that are much more inclusive than these informal IETF
side-meetings or the mic lines at other technical meetings.

------- end -------

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