
> On Nov 6, 2018, at 3:23 PM, Olli Vanhoja <o...@zeit.co> wrote:
> In fact if you look at the DNS records some big Internet companies
> they rarely use CNAMEs for www but instead you'll see an A record, that might
> be even backed by a proprietary ANAME solution.

One detail about this is that if the CDN being used by the large Internet 
company is *also* providing the DNS hosting for the Internet company, then the 
CDN will do its resolution internally and return A / AAAA records directly. 

I did not do the kind of large scale measurement that Thomas Peterson did, but 
in anecdotally looking at the www records for a number of sites returning 
A/AAAA records, I often saw that the ones returning A / AAAA records also had 
NS records pointing to name servers run by CDNs I could recognize.  (I 
mentioned this in a note currently as section 2.1 of 

So yes, in those cases the A record is being dynamically created by whatever 
(potentially proprietary) ANAME/CNAME-like solution the CDN vendor is using 
internally in their DNS hosting operations. 


Dan York
Director, Content & Web Strategy, Internet Society
y...@isoc.org   +1-802-735-1624 
Jabber: y...@jabber.isoc.org  Skype: danyork   http://twitter.com/danyork


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